



McCaul: Serving Texas' 10th District in 2024 – A Year in Review

It is one of my greatest honors to serve the people of Texas' 10th Congressional District, and 2024 was another successful year! My team and I have worked diligently to serve my constituents, and as we enter 2025, I want to highlight some of the things we have accomplished over the past 12 months. Over the past year, my team and I have conducted 576 meetings in my district — and hundreds more in D.C.


Swearing In for the 119th Congress

Last Friday, I took the oath of office to represent the incredible people of Texas’ 11th Congressional District. It is truly the honor of a lifetime to represent you in Congress and fight to protect our Texas way of life. Texas is the best place to live and raise a family, and it is truly humbling to serve this remarkable district. I was delighted to be joined by my wife Camille, our three girls, and other close family members during the swearing-in proceedings.


Texas Medical Board Employees Planned Parenthood Official as Medical Director: Rep. Harrison demands they are fired

After learning that the Texas Medical Board has a Planned Parenthood employee as it’s Medical Director, today Rep. Brian Harrison sent the attached letter to Governor Abbott asking that the employee be removed and that all state agencies are directed to ensure there are no other Planned Parenthood officials employed by any state agency, including in advisory roles.


Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Sues NCAA To Pro­tect Women’s Sports and Pre­vent Bio­log­i­cal Men from Decep­tive­ly Com­pet­ing in Sex-Spe­cif­ic Competitions

Attorney General Ken Paxton sued the National Collegiate Athletic Association (“NCAA”) for engaging in false, deceptive, and misleading practices by marketing sporting events as “women’s” competitions only to then provide consumers with mixed sex competitions where biological males compete against biological females. That only biological women will compete in the events is an important reason consumers choose to support women’s sports.


DOGE: A Classical Vision for Government Reform in 2025 and Beyond

Beginning in the Middle Ages, and lasting beyond the Renaissance, the Doge was the chief magistrate serving as the highest appointed official of the Republic of Venice, one of the freest and most powerful republics in Europe for more than 1,000 years. This role symbolized the sovereignty of the Venetian republic and emphasized protecting freedoms and ensuring efficient governance. Today, the term takes on a new dimension as a framework for modern government reform.


Sen. Cruz, Governor Abbott On Passing Of Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter

At age 100, President Carter was the oldest former president in history, and he left a legacy of honorable military and public service.  His decades-long dedication to building homes for those in need was truly remarkable. Our hearts and prayers are with the Carter family during this difficult time.


Governor Abbott Showcases Texas’ Economy Across The Globe In 2024

This year, I visited with business leaders and government officials in India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and the United Kingdom to showcase the booming Texas economy and attract more businesses to invest in our great state. As Texas looks toward growing our economy even more in 2025, we will continue to provide leading businesses from across the nation and the world with the opportunities they need to thrive in Texas.”


Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Blocks Biden Admin­is­tra­tion from Dis­pos­ing of Wall Mate­ri­als Before Pres­i­dent Trump Takes Office

Attorney General Ken Paxton secured a victory for President-elect Donald Trump’s border-security agenda during a hearing today before a federal judge. The hearing was called at Attorney General Paxton’s request to uncover potential legal violations committed by the Biden Administration after recent reports that segments of the border wall were auctioned off for pennies on the dollar. 


The Reckoning in Higher Education: Why Linda McMahon As Secretary of Education Has Academia Shaking

McMahon is the former head of the Small Business Administration. What is particularly enjoyable about this is that academia has long had a disdain for business, especially small business. Plus, the fact that McMahon co-founded World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) is quickly turning the academic smirking class into the crying class. The head of the WWE will be in charge of every academic elite across the country? Could this be more beautiful? As Elon Musk has often said, the most ironic outcome is the most likely.


Saving Lives & Reducing Addiction: Let's Expand Senior's Access to Non-Opioid Pain Treatment

The opioid epidemic remains a devastating crisis in the United States. In 2022 alone, over 80,000 Americans died from opioid overdoses, and nearly 10 million Americans misused opioids. Surprisingly, among the most vulnerable populations affected by this epidemic are seniors. The National Institutes of Health has reported a troubling surge in opioid use and abuse – among those aged 65 and older.


Merriest of Christmases... and a Happy New Year!

From everyone at the Texas Insider to you, our readers and loved ones, may this Christmas Season be filled with Blessings, Love, Joy, and Giving. May you cherish your time and memories together. We wish all a blessed Christmas, and may the Lord continue to bless us and bring us all a brighter, Happy New Year!


MOORE: Here's 10 New Ideas to Make America's 2025 Economy Great Again

Here's my "Top 10" wish list for the incoming Trump Administration to make America healthy and prosperous and great again in 2025. These are admittedly bold aspirations for an economic transformation toward freedom and free enterprise – but the one person who can get it done is Trump.


BATES: Congress Should Reject Democrat's 'PRO CODES Act'

Builders, tradespeople, homeowners, even DIYers across the country depend on access to various Building & Safety Codes to ensure their projects meet nationally standardized legal and safety standards. But under Democrat Sen. Chris Coons's bill, Standard Development Organizations (SDOs) would be able to copyright the nation's technical standards, meaning they could charge for or control access. The consequences would extend beyond mere inconvenience – and is simply irresponsible.


Sen. Cruz Celebrates Passage of SHARE IT Act Requiring Agencies Share Code

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) bipartisan Source Code Harmonization And Reuse in Information Technology (SHARE IT) Act passed the Senate, and will head to President Biden’s desk for his signature. The SHARE IT Act, introduced with U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Gary Peters (D-Mich.), would require government agencies to share custom-developed source code—thereby avoiding redundant government contracts to build software.


Texas Labor Market Continues to Expand, Civilian Labor Force Exceeds 15.5 Million

Texas’ civilian labor force achieved another new record high in November. In addition, Texas’ seasonally adjusted total nonfarm employment increased to 14,286,700 after 9,100 jobs were added over the month. Texas added 274,300 jobs from November 2023 to November 2024. Texas’ annual nonfarm growth rate reached 2.0 percent, outpacing the U.S. growth rate by 0.6 percentage points.


Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Moves to Stop Biden Admin­is­tra­tion from Auc­tion­ing Off Bor­der Wall Sec­tions for Pen­nies on the Dollar

If the sections of the wall that are being sold were purchased with the funds that must be used to secure the border, then the Biden Administration would be in violation of the federal court order. President-Elect Donald Trump has called for the outgoing government to immediately halt the sale of any materials. Attorney General Paxton has now filed a motion with the court to intervene and prevent any sections of the wall from being sold illegally. 


Governor Abbott, Lt. Governor Patrick, Speaker Phelan, Senate Finance, House Appropriations Committee Chairs To Stabilize Unemployment Insurance Rates For Businesses

Governor Greg Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, Speaker Dade Phelan, Senate Finance Committee Chair Joan Huffman, and House Appropriations Chair Dr. Greg Bonnen today pledged to allocate funding to stabilize minimum unemployment insurance rates for businesses across the state during the 2025 legislative session. The Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund managed by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) is projected to need additional funding next year.


What Was So Different This Time About Trump's Election?

In the weeks before the 2016 Trump Electoral College victory, Donald Trump was polling between 35 and 40 percent. He would average only about 41% approval over his tumultuous four-year tenure. No one knows what lies ahead over the next four years. But for now, Trump already polls well over 50% approval. His inauguration in a few weeks will likely not resemble Trump's 2016 ceremony.


