



Kamala's Democrat Party of ‘Joy’ Has Inspired Another Attempt on Donald Trump's Life

Democrats want their low-information base to be at a constant fever pitch when it comes to Donald Trump. They have lied to make him History's Greatest Monster – and their incurious base gobbles up the Trump Derangement Syndrome prevarication and processes it as white-hot hate that never wanes. And the closer he comes to winning the election, the hotter it gets. That much I know is intentional. In reality, Democrats have a well-documented track record of wishing illness and death upon those who don't agree with them. 


ARMSTRONG: It’s Time for the FDA to Enforce Their Own Illegal & Flavored Vapes Rules

Flavored e-cigarettes were banned in 2020 – yet they are still easily found today in stores all across America. Vaping products with flavors like cotton candy and mango continue to attract young users – and even worse, the FDA’s failure to enforce its prohibition has allowed these dangerous products to reach our nation's youth unchecked. That's a problem, because nicotine, a primary component in most e-cigarettes, poses a significant risk to adolescent brain development.


Chairman McCaul Releases Report Holding Biden-Harris Admin Accountable for Their Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal

​​​​​​​The American people must know there will be accountability when their government fails them, as the Biden-Harris administration did here. My investigation reveals the White House had the information and opportunity to take necessary steps to plan for the inevitable collapse of the Afghan government so we could safely evacuate U.S. personnel, American citizens, legal permanent residents, and our brave Afghan allies. At each step of the way, however, the administration picked optics over security.


Texas Continues Push to Secure Fronton Island from Dangerous Cartels

Since the launch of Operation Lone Star, the effort has led to over 518,900 Illegal Immigrant Apprehensions, more than 46,300 Criminal Arrests – and more than 40,200 Felony Charges. In the fight against fentanyl, Texas Law Enforcement has seized over 521 million lethal doses, enough to kill every man, woman and child in both the U.S. & Mexico. “I will not cede state land to trans-national criminal cartels... nor will I sit idly by as these threats endanger law enforcement and Texas' communities,” said Gov. Abbott.


Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Issues Advi­so­ry Cau­tion­ing Against Risks of Unso­licit­ed Vot­er Reg­is­tra­tion Applications

In response to recent mass mailouts of unsolicited of voter registration forms, including ones that have been partially prefilled, the Office of the Attorney General released an advisory warning residents of potential legal pitfalls and warning local governments against attempting to institute illegal programs. The advisory warns people residing in Texas that the delivery of an unrequested voter registration application does not mean that the recipient is eligible to vote.


HANSON: Kamala Harris Is Much Worse Than Anyone Ever Thought

All the discussion around Joe Biden just two short months ago was about how senile he was. His debate with Donald Trump laid bare what Democrats in and out of the media had denied for years – Biden’s senility had overtaken his lifelong stupidity, and he was and still is unfit for office. Enter Nancy “Brutus” Pelosi to stab him in the back and insert Kamala Harris to “save the Democratic Party.” Then the public got a good look at her, and what do you know? Kamala may be worse than Biden.


Focus Groups Analysis Will Change How You Feel About the Trump-Harris Debate

When it came to the most important issues of the 2024 Election – the economy, inflation & rising prices, or rising crime associated with illegal immigrants crossing a wide open border – the yellow line measuring how the nation's "Independent Voters" were responding moved immediately away from Kamala Harris and surged dramatically in Donald Trump’s favor, aligning almost identically with the red line of Republican participants. "I was really, really surprised – Independent voters are tracking very much with Republicans."


Cruz, Rubio, Scott Call Out Biden-Harris White House for Putting Americans at Risk from Cuban Regime

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, joined Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Rick Scott (R-Fla.) in sending a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken raising national security concerns about the Biden-Harris Administration’s decision to give non-immigrant visas (NIV) to Cuban nationals, saying, "We see no other reason for expanding NIVs to Cuban individuals and no justification for why doing so serves the interests of the United States.”


Gov. Abbott Urges Vigilance Against Antisemitism at Texas Colleges, Universities

In March, Governor Abbott issued an Executive Order that required all higher education institutions in Texas to review their free speech policies to establish appropriate punishments for antisemitic rhetoric on college and university campuses, ensure policies that address the sharp rise of antisemitic acts are enforced, and include the definition of antisemitism in free speech policies.


CONG. SESSIONS: Oversight Committee Reports 'Widespread Failures & Fraud in Pandemic Unemployment Relief Programs'

On Tuesday, myself and Chairman James Comer of the House Oversight & Accountability Committee released a in-depth report entitled, “Widespread Failures & Fraud in Pandemic Unemployment Relief Programs.” This report details how states across the country processed Pandemic Unemployment Insurance claims carelessly – and details how $200 billion was stolen from taxpayers in the Biden-Harris administration pandemic spending spree. This level of fraud is historic.


Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton Helps Defeat City of Dallas’s Attempt to Mis­lead Vot­ers, Under­mine Cit­i­zen-Led Pub­lic Safe­ty Efforts

Dallas HERO, a grassroots organization, collected more than 169,000 voter signatures to put three proposed amendments to the Dallas City Charter on the ballot. In response, the City Council attempted to add three competing amendments that counteract the citizen proposals with misleading and convoluted language.  “Government entities cannot plant confusing counter propositions on the ballot to mislead voters because they hope to see certain measures fail,” said Attorney General Paxton.


A forgettable Warped Debate

The September 10th presidential debate went down as expected. Summed up, it was Sappy and the Blob pile on Grouchy. The swarmy and evasive Vice President Kamala Harris preened, posed, and proffered empty platitudes. And an irate former President Donald Trump confirmed that he was too touchy and easily triggered. The ABC moderators proved they were predictably and shamelessly biased.


Springfield, Ohio: How a Small Ohio City Became an Epicenter for the Presidential Debate on Illegal Immigration

The internal immigration debate among Springfield, Ohio, residents reached a breaking point last summer after a school bus carrying Aiden Clark, 11, collided with a minivan that had gone over the dividing line. The minivan driver, 36-year-old Haitian immigrant Hermanio Joseph, has been sentenced to 9-to-13 1/2 years in prison for 1st-Degree Felony Involuntary Manslaughter and 4th-Degree Felony Vehicular Homicide. The incident stoked anger toward migrants – a reality Aiden Clark’s father addressed in Tuesday.


Governor Abbott Hosts South Korea Ambassador Cho At Texas Capitol

The Governor then highlighted his recent economic development trip to South Korea, noting that part of his mission was to promote Texas as an investment location to Korean companies in diverse sectors, including semiconductors. Governor Abbott then touted Texas as the top state for semiconductor manufacturing as well as the passage of the Texas CHIPS Act and the establishment of the Texas CHIPS Office in the Governor’s Economic Development and Tourism Office, designed to leverage Texas leadership in the industry.


Sen. Cruz, Colleagues Call on Garland, Mayorkas to Eliminate Illegal Alien Parole Program Mired in Fraud and Abuse

The letter identifies that the Biden-Harris CHNV program clearly violates the law, and lists other the catastrophic failures of the program, including incentivizing illegal immigration, importing gang members and other dangerous criminals into the country, and evidence that tens of thousands of aliens were admitted pursuant to fraudulent applications. The Senators call for immediate termination of the CHNV Parole Program, enhanced border security and immigration enforcement, a comprehensive investigation of the failures associated with the program, and restoration of congressional oversight.


TWC Awards Over $83 Million in Grants for Expansion of Adult Education and Literacy Programs

The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) has awarded $83,030,502 to 40 grantees across the state in support of adult education and literacy. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, these grants will continue educational opportunities for 70,000 adult learners served by TWC’s Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) programs.


ELDER: Trump Missed Some Opportunities – but It Was a 3 Against 1 Debate

The debate tone was set with the first question. Debate co-moderator David Muir, ABC's news managing editor, asked Vice President Kamala Harris: "I want to begin tonight with the issue voters repeatedly say is their No. 1 issue ... When it comes to the economy, do you believe Americans are better off than they were four years ago?" It is not just a simple question. It is THE central question of the race – given that most voters cite the economy as their #1 issue. Harris whiffed, badly – and failed to answer directly.


Gov. Abbott to President Biden & V.P. Harris: Texas Will Fight to Secure Control of Rio Grande's Fronton Island

​​​​​​​"I will not cede State of Texas land to trans-national Criminal Cartels smuggling people, weapons, and drugs. Nor will I sit idly by as these threats endanger Texas Law Enforcement and Texas communities,” said Gov. Greg Abbott in a sternly worded message to the Biden-Harris White House that Texas will not comply with their demands for Texas to return Fronton Island (in the Rio Grande River) to its prior condition. "As Commander-in-Chief of the military forces of this State... Texas could not ignore an ongoing invasion of its sovereign territory."


