58% of Likely U.S. Voters Either 'Not Very' or 'Not At All Confident' Biden is Physically, Mentally Up to Job of President

Is Biden up to the Job? Most Voters say No

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — As 58% of Likely U.S. Voters say they are either "Not At All Confident" (50%) or "Not Very Confident" (8%) that President Joe Biden is physically and mentally up to the job of being President of the United States, a new Rasmussen Reports National Poll also found that only 27% of likely voters are "Very Confident" in Biden’s capability. And, just 14% say they are "Somewhat Confident."

Voter confidence in Biden’s ability has declined since August, when a majority of voters said they suspected the White House is actually being run by others:
  • 51% said they believe that others are making decisions for Biden behind the scenes,
  • and only 39% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Biden is really doing the job of president, and said they don’t think President Joe Biden is mentally and physically capable of doing his job.
  • Who’s In Charge? Most Voters Don’t Think It’s Biden
    • To see the National Survey Question wording of 1,000 U.S. Likely Voters Conducted October 17-18, 2021, CLICK HERE.
And in another indication of voter's opinion toward the Biden presidency, Economic Confidence has fallen to 96.6 in the latest Rasmussen Reports Economic Index – the 5th consecutive monthly decline.

Enthusiasm about the economy surged under former President Donald Trump, reaching a high of 147.8 in January 2020 before the CoronaVirus lockdown threw Americans out of work and closed many businesses.

Americans Also Concerned About the "Supply Chain" Crisis

Another area of increasing concern – the growing problems affecting the U.S. "Supply Chain" – has a majority of Americans concerned, as 62% say they’ve already noticed shortages of basic items in stores where they live.

A new National Telephone & Online Survey by Rasmussen Reports & Human Events finds that:
  • 85% of American Adults are concerned that Supply Chain problems may lead to shortages of basic items, including
  • 49% who are "Very Concerned."
  • Only 11% are not concerned about the problem.
Concerns have grown amid reports that dozens of cargo ships are waiting to be unloaded near the port of Los Angeles, while 1,000s of cargo containers are piled up in the port of Savannah, Georgia.
  • 62% of Americans say they’ve already noticed shortages of basic items in stores where they live,
    • 30% say they have not.
  • 65% believe the federal government should take action to help fix the problems currently affecting the U.S. supply chain,
    • 18% are against federal action, and
    • 17% are not sure.
  • ​​​​​​​75% say they have closely followed news stories about problems with the U.S. supply chain, including
    • 39% who have followed the news Very Closely, and
    • 21% who haven’t followed news about the supply chain problem closely.
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The "Supply Chain" ​​​​​​​survey of 1,000 U.S. American Adults was conducted on October 11-12, 2021 by Rasmussen Reports and Human Events. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

