Comey: There Is No Deep State. Thats Nonsense.

Isnt that some of what President Trump was elected to shake up?" asked Cooper. Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON D.C. I hear this term Deep State all the time. There is no Deep State but there is a deep culture and a commitment to the rule of law equal protection of the laws" said former FBI Director James Comey during Wednesday nights CNN Town Hall hosted by Anderson Cooper in Williamsburg Virginia. width=415Comey was relieved of his FBI Directorship when he was fired by President Trump on May 9 2017.

You said there is no deep state but you talk about a deep culture and it doesnt sound that much different" said Cooper.

A deep culture which has ways of doing things and believes it is the right way of doing things isnt that some of what President Trump was elected to shake up?" asked Cooper.

Absolutely not" said Comey. No one I hope voted for him (Trump) with the idea that he would destroy those values. Thats what I mean by a deep culture. Its a culture that we should celebrate and the rest of us who are not part of it ought to make sure we call it out when we see it threatened or damaged" Comey said. But that can be damaged in significant ways. I dont think any president serves long enough to damage to flip that ship over but if we are silent tremendous damage will be done that will take us time to recover" said the former FBI Director.

When we say the deep state is trying to destroy President Trump" Cooper pressed one more time. You are saying point blank that is not true?"

Thats nonsense" Comey answered.

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