Cruz, Braun, Risch Introduce Legislation to Make Americans' Health Care More Portable, Accessible

"It’s time to remove the middleman, and allow Americans to make decisions about how and when they will get care for themselves. I urge my colleagues to pass this legislation expeditiously.”

WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Mike Braun (R-Ind.), and James Risch (R-Idaho) introduced the Personalized Care Act (PCA), legislation to make Americans' health care more portable, accessible, and tailored to meet their unique needs by dramatically expanding Heath Savings Accounts (HSA) - a pre-tax savings tool millions of Americans use to cover the costs of their health care.
About the PCA, Sen. Cruz said: “I am proud to lead the fight to increase accessibility to healthcare. By considerably expanding HSAs, Texans—and all Americans—will gain access to more portable, individualized healthcare. American people should be able to manage their own healthcare, not the bureaucracy. It’s time to remove the middleman, and allow Americans to make decisions about how and when they will get care for themselves. I urge my colleagues to pass this legislation expeditiously.”

Sen. Risch added, “HSAs give Idahoans more choice and control when it comes to their health care decisions. Expanding HSAs with the Personalized Care Act will increase Americans’ abilities to save for future medical care costs and make health care decisions to best meet their needs.”
The Personalized Care Act will:
  • Expand Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) by decoupling them from high deductible health insurance plans (HDHP) and expanding HSAs to Americans in major medical health insurance plans and government health programs, as well as those participating in other present and future innovative forms of healthcare financing.
  • Increase HSA contribution limits to $10,800 for individuals and $29,500 for families.
  • Allow individuals and families to use their HSAs to pay for health insurance premiums.
  • Allow account holders to use HSAs to pay for periodic fees for direct primary care, health care sharing ministries, or other direct medical care, and ensures that such arrangements are treated as qualified medical expenses.
  • Allow HSAs to pay for the Costs of Healthcare Sharing Ministries and arrangements. 
  • Repeal the enhanced penalty for nonqualified distributions.
U.S. Representative Chip Roy (R-Texas) is the lead sponsor in the House of Representatives.

Congressman Roy said, “"The American healthcare system is broken, and the American people are taking it on the chin — all while big ‘healthcare’ companies get rich off this crony capitalist racket.
“The Personalized Care Act would help end run this broken system by circumventing middlemen and bureaucrats and giving patients the direct power to make their own healthcare and coverage decisions, ultimately driving up competition to drive down prices.

“The quasi-government-controlled healthcare cartel we have isn't working; it's time for Healthcare Freedom."

Read the bill here and the House companion bill here.
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