Governor Abbott Announces Additional Federal Resources Activated To Combat COVID-19 In The Houston Region

“We will continue to work with our local and federal partners to ensure all resources and needs are met throughout the state.”
– Governor Greg Abbott

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Governor Greg Abbott has been working with Vice President Mike Pence and members of the Trump Administration to ensure the medical needs of Texans will be met as the State responds to COVID-19. He announced tonight that additional federal resources have been activated and are being sent to the Houston region to combat COVID-19.

The additional resources include an Urban Area Medical Task Force from the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) that will arrive in the region on Monday and a Disaster Medical Assistance Team from U.S. Health and Human Services that has just been deployed. These resources add to a DOD Urban Area Medical Task Force that just began operating in Bexar County as well as seven federal assessment teams operating in Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, McAllen, Laredo and El Paso this past week. The Governor continues daily collaboration with Texas' federal partners to expand resources for any regions to respond to COVID-19. 
“Texas is grateful to the federal government as well as the President and Vice President for working swiftly to provide additional resources to the state as we work to mitigate COVID-19 and care for our fellow Texans,” said Governor Abbott. “We will continue to work with our local and federal partners to ensure all resources and needs are met throughout the state.”

