Abbott Announces Another Major Corporate Location: Highly Innovative Fuels Selects Matagorda County for Carbon Neutral Fuels Facility

"This investment is great news for Texans in Matagorda County and the Coastal Bend, with more jobs, opportunity, and enhanced technology coming to the Lone Star State."
– Governor Greg Abbott
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Governor Greg Abbott announced today that the carbon neutral fuels producing company Highly Innovative Fuels (HIF) has selection Matagorda County Texas as the location of its first industrial-scale eFuels facility in North America. With plans to make a $6 billion capital investment, HIF will create more than 125 permanent operating jobs as well as thousands of other direct and indirect jobs in the region.

Matagorda County sits along the Texas Gulf Coast betwen Houston and Corpus Christi, where construction of the site is expected to begin in 2023. The facility is slated to produce eFuels by 2026.

"As the leader in the future of eFuels, HIF will be an excellent addition to the Texas economic juggernaut," said Abbott. "This investment is great news for Texans in Matagorda County and the Coastal Bend, with more jobs, opportunity, and enhanced technology coming to the Lone Star State. Texas is proud to be the energy capital of the world, and I look forward to a continued partnership with HIF to keep our state the energy leader."

"I am grateful to the citizens of Matagorda County for welcoming the first American eFuels facility to the south coast of Texas,"
said HIF USA CEO Renato Pereira.

"We are honored that Governor Abbott could be at this site announcement, demonstrating the commitment the state of Texas has to innovative businesses that will drive the future. Once again Texas has shown its leadership as the heart of America’s energy sector, galvanizing new energy supplies for the United States and the world. We chose this site because of its unique combination of incentive support, available real estate, tax and regulatory stability, and commitment to protecting the environment through responsible and sustainable economic development. Carbon-neutral eFuels represent the energy sector’s next frontier, enabling renewable resources to fuel our mobile economy."

"The State of Texas has long been the champion of energy in the United States,"
said Matagorda County Judge Nate McDonald. "I am proud to say our Economic Development team here in Matagorda County, along with the ever-present support of the Governor and his office, have brought to fruition a new energy sector that will put Matagorda County on the map. I’m proud of the work Matagorda and HIF teams displayed throughout this process and could not be happier they selected Matagorda County for their U.S. flagship."
Highly Innovative Fuels Global is the world leading eFuels company, developing projects to convert hydrogen made using low-cost renewable power into carbon neutral liquid eFuels that can be transported and utilized in existing infrastructure.


