"Jeff Oldham faithfully served the people of Texas with integrity throughout his time as General Counsel, and I thank him for his service to the state of Texas over the past several years."
– Governor Greg Abbott
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Governor Greg Abbott named James P. Sullivan as General Counsel to the Governor and promoted Angela Colmenero to Principal Deputy General Counsel. Jeff Oldham, who began serving as General Counsel in July 2018, announced earlier this summer that he will be returning to private appellate practice in December 2021. Sullivan and Colmenero previously served as Deputies under Oldham.
"Jeff Oldham faithfully served the people of Texas with integrity throughout his time as General Counsel, and I thank him for his service to the state of Texas over the past several years," said Governor Abbott.
"James Sullivan is the perfect fit to succeed Jeff, bringing to this role a keen legal eye and an abiding fidelity to the Constitution. He and Angela Colmenero, with her deep understanding of state government, will ensure continuity in the legal expertise that I expect from the General Counsel’s office. I thank James and Angela for taking on this tremendous responsibility and look forward to working with them as we serve all Texans."
"James Sullivan is the perfect fit to succeed Jeff, bringing to this role a keen legal eye and an abiding fidelity to the Constitution. He and Angela Colmenero, with her deep understanding of state government, will ensure continuity in the legal expertise that I expect from the General Counsel’s office. I thank James and Angela for taking on this tremendous responsibility and look forward to working with them as we serve all Texans."