Hillary: Bill Clinton should not have to step down from Clinton Foundation before Election

Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON DC  All of these questions about the Clinton Foundation I am more than happy to answer Hillary Clinton told David Muir on Good Morning America during a Labor Day morning joint interview with her running mate Sen. Tim Kaine. I dont think there are conflicts of interest said the Democratic presidential nominee. I know that thats what has been alleged and never proven. But nevertheless I take it seriously Clinton said.

HillaryClintonKaineMuir9-5-16cBut I do hope that people will take a look at what the foundation has done what charitable enterprises its involved in. ...

No decision I made was you know influenced by anything other than doing what was best for the United States Clinton told Muir stating that her husband former President Bill Clinton should not have to step down before the election from his position at the Clinton Foundation.

I feel very good about the work of the foundation. I feel very good about my service as Secretary of State. No decision I ever made was influenced by anybody said Clinton. What I made a decision based on was what was good for the United States what was good for our values our interests and our security. Donald Trumps campaign responded Monday charging that Hillary Clinton has an permanent ethical blind spot that would lead her to sell access to the highest levels of the U.S. government if she wins the White House .
The fact Hillary Clinton believes it is appropriate for her husband to remain on the board of the Clinton Foundation if she is elected is proof that she operates in a permanent ethical blind spot and lacks the judgment to be president campaign spokesman Jason Miller said. clinton-trump3mThis would present an unacceptable and unprecedented conflict of interest which would compromise her presidency beyond repair. Thats why the countrys leading newspapers ethicists and even top Democrats are calling on the Clintons to separate from the Clinton Foundation or to even shut it down Miller said.
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