Pax­ton Sup­ports Flori­da Law Pro­tecting Chil­dren From Being Taught Inap­pro­pri­ate Sex­u­al Content

"The law does not violate anyone’s right to expression or receive information, does not discriminate, and is not unconstitutionally vague.” 
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas Attorney General Paxton filed a multistate amicus brief before a Tallahassee, Florida-based federal district court in support of Florida law H.B. 1557, which protects students who are in the 3rd grade and below from being exposed to instruction on inappropriate subjects, such as so-called sexual orientation and gender identity. The bill also requires school districts to notify parents if the school provides certain mental or emotional services to children, especially any that are related to “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” 

Opponents of the bill have attempted to label H.B. 1557 as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. In reality, the law ensures that children aren’t exposed to content that is entirely inappropriate for their age. Beyond that, it also guarantees that elementary school students can focus on learning reading, writing, arithmetic, and science rather than the left’s sexual ethics agenda.  

Left-leaning groups sued Florida over the law, but the Paxton-led coalition’s brief notes the constitutionality, legality, and importance of H.B. 1557. Legislation that addresses community standards is especially important at a time when elements of the left are fighting to have drag queen shows in elementary schools, parents restricted from involvement in the students’ lives, and woke sexuality instruction for students everywhere.

As the brief notes: “Florida’s H.B. 1557 falls well within the scope of the ‘the very apex of the function of a State.’ Parents have a strong interest, and thus the State has a strong duty, in preventing children from being exposed to sexual instruction that is not age appropriate. The law does not violate anyone’s right to expression or receive information, does not discriminate, and is not unconstitutionally vague.” 

To read the full amicus brief, click here.  


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