Most Democrats (70%) Don’t Know About Kamala’s Radicalism, or Far-Left Record: POLL


"Our survey of Democratic voters and pro-Biden Independents, who say their top source for news about the campaign are the major networks, shows the damage caused by today’s one-sided news coverage."

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — The survey of “Registered Democrats" and "Independent" voters said they “either had not heard of Harris’s position, or were unsure” of the Democrat Presidential Candidate's position when it came to ten of the most significant issues facing America ahead of the November Election. A significant new Media Research Center Poll (below,) finds large majorities of registered Democrats and Independents who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 – exactly those who would be expected to support Kamala Harris in this year’s contest – are mostly in the dark about many of the controversial and radical positions Harris has taken.

When asked about ten different aspects of Harris’s public record – on issues as varied as her sponsorship of the Green New Deal, abolishing ICE, and eliminating private health insurance – between 71% and 86% of those surveyed said they either had not heard of Harris’s position, or were unsure.

  • 70% of "Democrat" voters said they have no clue concerning what Kamala Harris’s political positions on key issues are.
  • 72% did not know that Harris “never visited a conflict zone on the border as Border Czar.”
  • 74% of respondents said they were unaware that Harris supported Decriminalizing Illegal Immigration, and 
  • Fully 75% of the "Democrat" and "Independent" voters surveyed were unaware or unsure that Kamala Harris was ranked as the most liberal Senator before she joined the Biden ticket in 2020.

The poll also found that 78% of those surveyed were unaware that Harris, while Vice Preisdent, promoted a go-fund-me effort so that violent Antifa & BLM agitators in Minneapolis could be bailed out of jail during 2020's nationwide "peaceful protests" and violent unrest.

Those surveyed in the poll were asked where they typically received their political news – as well as their familiarity with a list of left-wing positions taken by Harris.

Most stated they get their news primarily from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC.

“This suggests that the knowledge gaps found by our poll reveal a failure on the part of these outlets to report on radical positions once (and perhaps currently) supported by the now-Democrat nominee for president,” the Media Research Center noted.

Ms. Harris has yet to hold her first Press Conference since becoming the nominee at the Democrat National Convention, and has failed to schedule any interviews to outline her stances on key issues in the race.

Critics have increasingly noted that Harris has taken to “filming fake staged exchanges” with running mate Tim Walz about “their favorite music, and other matters that are completely devoid of substance.”

In the videos, Harris and Walz talk about “getting the job done,” and “doing the work” without actually explaining what any of their campaign policies entail.

"If our poll had been conducted even as recently as June, voters’ lack of knowledge about Harris might be understandable. But this poll was conducted in August – when the Vice President was receiving the most intense news coverage of her political career.

"Our survey of Democratic voters and pro-Biden Independents, who say their top source for news about the campaign are these same networks, shows the damage caused by today’s one-sided news coverage.

"These voters should be at least familiar with these key points about Harris’s past, even if they don’t agree with conservatives about their significance," said the Research Center's Report.

When asked about where they got most of their news concerning political elections and candidates, the top answers were by far broadcast television (ABC, CBS and NBC) or cable news (such as CNN and MSNBC.)

This suggests that the knowledge gaps revealed by the poll indicate a failure on the part of the various outlets to report on any of the radical positions once – and/or currently – supported by the now-Democrat nominee.

In fact, a detailed Media Research Center examination of ABC, CBS and NBC Evening News coverage in the three weeks since Harris became the Democrat candidate (July 21st through August 10th,) shows that of the 10 subject areas questioned, eight received zero attention from these newscasts. Just two others received only minor coverage.

"It's 2020 all over again," said Media Research Center founder & president Brent Bozell

"As it stands now, another leftist media coverup will decide the election."

While Vice President Harris has had ample opportunity to inform the nation's voters about her positions on the top issues – including when she accepted the Democrat nomination at the party's National Convention – she has instead declined media interview requests, declined to answer questions, and spoken primarily about what she believes is wrong with America, never addressing why she and President Biden have refused or neglected to remedy the issues confronting American families during the last three and a half years they have held office.

This Media Research Center poll was conducted between August 2nd and August 5th by McLaughlin & Associates, and consisted of 1,200 people – 800 registered Democrats, plus 400 Independents who reported voting for Joe Biden in 2020.


