CONG. MORGAN LUTTRELL: As a Veteran, I'm Working to Decrease the Numbers & Prevent Veteran Suicides

As a veteran, I will keep working to decrease these numbers & ensure our former service members are given every opportunity to thrive in Civilian Life

By Cong. Morgan Luttrell

Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C. – Veteran suicide is a crisis we cannot afford to overlook, especially as the numbers continue to climb. As someone who served alongside many of these brave men and women, I am committed to ensuring we bring this number down and eventually to zero.  

I was proud to introduce the What Works for Preventing Veteran Suicide Act with a bipartisan group of my colleagues. This legislation is a crucial step toward improving the effectiveness of suicide prevention programs within the Department of Veterans Affairs.

With veteran suicide rates tragically high, this bill aims to strengthen data collection and transparency to ensure that life-saving resources are allocated to the most effective initiatives.

We cannot keep overlooking the number one challenge that veterans face. As a veteran, I will keep working to decrease these numbers and ensure our former service members are given every opportunity to thrive in their civilian lives.
  Congressman Morgan Luttrell is currently serving his first term representing Texas' 8th Congressional District. Texas’ 8th District encompasses parts of Montgomery, Walker, Harris, and all of San Jacinto and Polk counties. He serves on three Committees in Congress: House Armed Services Committee, Committee on Homeland Security, and Committee on Veterans' Affairs

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