Cong. Roger Williams Elected to Take on House Small Business Committee Chairmanship

"Under my leadership, the Committee will be a fierce advocate for free market principles and pro-growth policies that have been stifled during the past two years of the Democrats’ rule."
Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C. – ““From out-of-control inflation, to broken supply chains, I have firsthand experience dealing with the current problems facing America’s job creators. As a lifelong small business owner, I'm both humbled – and honored – to serve as Chairman of the House Committee on Small Business,” said Texas Congressman Roger Williams​​​​ upon being selected by his peers in the U.S. House of Representatives to serve as the Chairman of the House Small Business Committee.

"As the Republican majority works on solutions to these pressing issues, it's essential we have a small business owner at the helm of this committee to be the voice for Main Street America," said Williams.

"Under my leadership, the Committee will be a fierce advocate for free market principles and pro-growth policies that have been stifled during the past two years of the Democrats’ one-party rule.

"Additionally, this committee will conduct rigorous oversight over the Biden Administration and the costly regulations wreaking havoc on the hard-working men and women across this great nation.

"Finally, my colleagues and I will work to highlight the American Dream and the many success stories of our small business owners, entrepreneurs, and innovators from all corners of the country.

"I look forward to leading this charge to work on behalf of America’s job creators.”

Congressman Roger Williams represents the 25th Congressional District of Texas, located outside of the City of Ft. worth.


