State Sen. Perry Files Bill to Fund Water Supply & Infrastructure in Texas

“It is time for the state to put real investment in our water infrastructure and ensure Texas has sufficient water supply as we continue to grow.”

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas Sen. Charles Perry filed Senate Bill 837 and Senate Joint Resolution 43 to create the Water for Texas Fund at the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB). The fund is intended to boost water infrastructure projects across the state and dramatically increase WATER SUPPLY for the future. 

“It is estimated that over the next fifty years, our state could be short 7 million acre feet (over 2.2 trillion gallons) of water, and according the the TWDB over 136 billion gallons of water are lost each year to leaks in our infrastructure,” said Perry. “It is time for the state to put real investment in our water infrastructure and ensure Texas has sufficient water supply as we continue to grow.” 

SB 837 creates a new fund at the TWDB which will use existing programs to disperse grants and loans to small and mid-sized entities seeking assistance with their water infrastructure. Additionally, the bill directs the Board Members to use a portion of the fund for new water supply projects such as produced water, brackish, and marine desalination facilities; water from neighboring states; and new technologies to create water supply not currently accounted for in Texas. 

“I’m looking forward to continuing the discussion I have been having for the last 12 years, and that is our future water supply is the most important component in Texas’ success currently and for our future generations,” said Perry.
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