Sen. Cruz: The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want To Let Process Play Out

Discusses process and timeline for election litigation with Sean Hannity and Hugh Hewitt
Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and former member of the legal defense team for President George W. Bush in Bush v. Gore – this week appeared on Fox News’ ‘Hannity’ and the ‘Hugh Hewitt Show’ to discuss the ongoing election litigation process and the importance of the upcoming Senate runoffs in Georgia. Watch Sen. Cruz’s full interview with Sean Hannity here. Listen to Sen. Cruz’s full interview with Hugh Hewitt here. Key excerpts are included below.
WATCH: Cruz: ‘Every Single Legal Vote Should Be Counted’
LISTEN: Sen. Cruz on the Hugh Hewitt Show Outlines the Legal Process for an Election Recount

On the timeline for ongoing election litigation, Sen. Cruz said:

“The way our legal system works and the way our electoral system works is those legal challenges have to be concluded before we have a definitive result in the election. And an awful lot of the media is trying to stop the process early and say, ‘Never mind what the courts say. Never mind what the law say. We want to declare Biden the winner now.’ And that’s not actually the way our judicial system works. Those cases need to be resolved. I expect that they will be resolved expeditiously. I expect within the next several weeks.” (Sen. Cruz, The Hugh Hewitt Show, 11/10/2020)
On the Trump campaign’s election litigation and the mainstream media’s objections to the process, Sen. Cruz said:
“Right now, it is incumbent on the Trump campaign’s lawyers to go in and prove their case in court. To lay out evidence, to lay out evidence of illegally cast votes. To lay out evidence of what was done right and what was done wrong and when the process is over, we’re going to know the result. But we need to let the process play out and much of the mainstream media doesn’t want to let us do that.” (Sen. Cruz, Hannity, 11/9/2020)
On the importance of allowing observers, Sen. Cruz added:
“The reason you have observers is to prevent fraud, to prevent ballot theft. And when you throw out one party or the other, it raises an inference that bad conduct is ongoing. Now, the fact that you or I might say that, or someone might tweet that, that’s not conclusive evidence. That needs to be determined in a court of law. I find it amazing that reporters are running around screaming, ‘no, no, we can’t resolve any of these legal matters. Anyone saying, let the litigation conclude and actually determine if it’s consistent with law is somehow undermining our democracy, that’s just ridiculous.” (Sen. Cruz, Hannity, 11/9/2020)
On the importance of the upcoming Georgia Senate runoffs, Sen. Cruz concluded:
“If you care about our republic, there is an election that [poses] an existential threat to this country. It is [in] January. Two Senate runoffs in Georgia. I have told both David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, ‘I’m all in. Anything I can do, I will do.’ I’m going to Georgia. I’m campaigning. I’m raising money. Because if they win, we have a Republican Senate. If they lose, Chuck Schumer is majority leader. If Chuck Schumer is majority leader, they will end the filibuster. They will pass a massive tax [hike.] They will enact much of the [Green] New Deal. Destroy millions of small businesses. And they will pack the court. […] They’ll add two new states. Every bit of that will happen. […] If they get a majority, they will use their power. It’s why Georgia matters so much, because it’s the difference between saving the republic or going off the cliff into the darkness.” (Sen. Cruz, The Hugh Hewitt Show, 11/10/2020)
WATCH: Sen. Cruz on Fox News: The American People - Not The Media - Get To Elect Our President
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