State Rep. Todd Hunter: Food Bank Giving is an Opportunity During the CoronaVirus

  • by:
  • Source: texasinsider
  • 05/19/2020
I ask, and lets try to give back during this time by helping those who are less fortunate

AUSTIN, Texas (Texas Insider Report) — It is estimated by a recent study that around 1.7 million Texans suffer from food insecurity in our state. In this article, I want to discuss the importance of donating food to your Local Food Bank.

Its important to remember that the individuals who need help from food banks come from a broad cross-section of households. And, the percentage of food distributed by food programs is heavily dependent on our local food banks.

To put that in perspective, around 69% of all the sources of food comes from Feeding America Member Food Banks.

Food banks across Texas are an extremely important source of food for those in need – and its also important to note: Its not just during a holiday season that people are in need of food.

District 32 is served by the Coastal Bend Food Bank (CBFB), which serves 11 Coastal Counties that include Aransas, Nueces and San Patricio Counties.

The CBFB is one of the 21 Food Banks located throughout the state that make up Feeding Texas, formerly known as the Texas Food Bank Network. This organization provides food to charities and service organizations in all 254 Counties in Texas.

There are many ways that you can help feed the hungry. You can donate food and/or money to the food banks, or even coordinate a food/fund drive.

If you would like to donate food, the food banks are always in need of nutritious, non-perishable foods such as:
  • meals in a can (stew, chili, soup)
  • tuna / canned meat
  • peanut butter
  • canned foods with pop-top lids
  • low sugar cereals
  • 100% fruit juices in single serving boxes
  • canned fruit packed in juice, and
  • canned vegetables (low salt)
For donations, the food bank in our Coastal Bend Area is located at:
Coastal Bend Food Bank
826 Krill Street
Corpus Christi, TX 78408

While food donations are welcome and appreciated, the most convenient way to give is to make a monetary donation online. Monetary donations give each food bank the flexibility to put resources toward specific food areas that may be more depleted than others. I ask that, and lets try to give back during this time, by helping those who are less fortunate.

They are very much in need.

If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned above, please don't hesitate to call my Capitol or District Offices.  As always, we're available at any time to assist you with questions, concerns, or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603). And please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas State Agency, or if you'd like help regarding Constituent Services.

If you would like to review more about the Texas State Legislature, visit the Texas Legislature Online.
State Representative Todd Hunter serves the constituents of Texas House District 32, which is composed of Aransas, Calhoun, San Patricio and part of Nueces County

