CONG. SESSIONS: Here's How Texans Can Get Winter Storm Relief and Help

"Our power grid was overwhelmed, and almost every Texan was affected by the storms."

By Cong. Pete Sessions

Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON, D.C. – After touring TX-17 this last weekend, I am astounded at both the damage our counties have encountered and the resilience of our people. A record number of days passed with temperatures below freezing, and much of the time in single digits. Our power grid was overwhelmed, and almost every Texan was affected by the storms.

President Biden has made a Disaster Declaration in 9 of the 12 Texas Congressional Dist. 17 Counties (Robertson, Lee, and Leon are excluded for now,) and FEMA is providing individual assistance to those who apply.
  If you are in one of the other counties outside of TX-17 that are included in the Federal Disaster Declaration: 
  • Please visit for instructions on how to properly record your damage and to see what financial assistance and remedies may be available;
  • This website also has a list of the counties in Texas that are included in this declaration.
  • Once you determine that you live in an eligible county, contact your insurance company if you have insurance before FEMA as your insurance claim information will be needed to determine eligibility for federal assistance.
  • In preparation to file your claim with FEMA: take photos of your damaged home and belongings and make a list of damaged items.
  • Additionally, be prepared to provide your current phone number, address at the time of the disaster and the address of where you are staying, your social security number, your insurance policy number or agent and company name.
  • You will also need to provide FEMA with the additional documents: insurance determination letter, proof of occupancy or ownership, and proof of ID.
  • When applying online, be sure to select the cause of the damages as snow/ice among other damages that may have occurred.
If you are in one of the 146 counties NOT included in the Federal Disaster Declaration but would like to report your property damage, TDEM urges you to visit and click on the Texas Individual Assistance Reporting Tool to begin the process.

Thank you for staying strong during these last few weeks, and please don’t hesitate to reach out to these agencies for help.


