Texas Farm Bureau Endorses Cong. McCaul as Clear Choice for Rural Texas

"I’m running to represent all of TX-10. That’s why I will continue to defend rural Texans’ way of life.”

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Saying it stands behind candidates that support the issues that matter most to Texas Farmers, Ranchers & Property Owners., the Texas Farm Bureau AGFUND endorsed Representative Michael McCaul for re-election to Congress

As one of the most effective and bipartisan members of Congress, McCaul has a strong record of standing up for rural Texans in Washington, DC, and has spent the month of August traveling throughout the rural portions of Congressional District 10 meeting with small business owners, visiting local hospitals and thanking law enforcement.  

“As a 4th-generation Texan, I'm honored to have the support of farmers, ranchers and rural Texans. From securing new trade deals like the USMCA and China Phase One Trade Agreement that benefit Texas agriculture, to protecting rural hospitals and fighting for property rights and lowering taxes, I am working to deliver results for rural Texans and am proud to bring their voices to Washington,” said Cong. Rep. McCaul.

“While some politicians represent only a few constituencies at the expense of others, I’m running to represent all of TX-10 and that’s why I will continue to defend rural Texans’ way of life.”

McCaul's Democrat oppenent, Radical Mike Siegel’s socialist agenda would devastate rural Texas. Siegel’s job-killing, open borders policies would put rural Texans out of work, raise taxes on rural families, close rural hospitals, and would allow the Chinese Communist Party to continue to take advantage of farmers and ranchers on trade. 

“There are tens of thousands of Texans in the rural counties that make up the 10th District. Mike Siegel would be hard pressed to even find these counties on a map, let alone identify the issues that matter most to these voters,” said Evan Albertson,McCaul’s Campaign Manager. 

"Siegel is more comfortable spending time with his comrades in California than he is with ranchers and farmers in rural Texas, so it’s no wonder that he’s running to impose his radical ideology without concern for the devastating impact his policies would have on rural communities across the state,” Albertson said. 

