Trump Lays Out Path to Victory: "It's Probably Two, Three Weeks" Before We Know the Outcome, says President

President makes first post-election comments, lays out path to victory

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Texas Insider Report) — President Donald Trump was optimistic Thursday, laying out a scenario that allows him to win the key battleground states necessary to reach the 270 votes required in the Electoral College while talking to the Washington Examiner's Byron York during his first post-election interview regarding the state of the 2020 Presidential Race.
"We're going to win Wisconsin," the president said in the exclusive phone interview.

"Arizona – it'll be down to 8,000 votes. If we can do an audit of the millions of votes, we'll find 8,000 votes easy. If we can do an audit, we'll be in good shape there," the president said.

"Georgia, we're going to win because now, we're down to about 10,000, 11,000 votes, and we have hand-counting.

"Hand-counting is the best. To do a spin of the machine doesn't mean anything. You pick up 10 votes. But when you hand-count – I think we're going to win Georgia," Trump said, referring to Georgia's alreay-begun recount that has been initiated by Georgia's Secretary of State to perform a full audit on the election.

That leaves Pennsylvania, where Trump trails by 60,000 votes – and Michigan, where he's behind by more than 145,000 votes.

"The two big states," Trump said, before adding, "They're all sort of big."

The president commented about the process in Pennsylvania, saying:
"They wouldn't let our poll watchers and observers watch or observe. That's a big thing.

"They should throw those votes out that went through during those periods of time when [Trump observers] weren't there.

"We went to court, the judge ordered [the observers] back, but that was after two days and millions of votes could have gone through. Millions.

"And we're down 50,000," Trump said.

The president told York he's contemplated losing.

"I'm a guy who realizes – five days ago, I thought, 'Maybe.' But, now I see the evidence, and we have hundreds of affidavits," he said, referring to the testimony sworn to under oath and included in the various lawsuits being undertaken by his campaign.

"When I asked him how quickly he might turn things around," York wrote, "he said, 'I don't know. It's probably two weeks, three weeks.'"

Concluded York,
"He knows the situation, he's heard many people tell him it's over and time to concede, but at the very least it is important for his most devoted supporters to see him fighting to stay in office.

"And, he closed with a good-natured warning for everyone who has told him there is no hope: 'Never bet against me.'"

