Trump Winning Over Black Women says Herman Cain

CainHerman3eI have given up on voting...but Im coming back in." WASHINGTON D.C. (Texas Insider Report)   Let me tell you a phenomenon I discovered on my radio show said 2012 Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain addressing what he called the Trump phenomenon.  I get callers who call up and say I am black Im female and Im going from Democrat to Trump" said Cain. TrumpThey didnt say they were going from Democrat to Republican; they said theyre going from Democrat to Trump and I think thats part of the phenomenon. According to Cain the Trump phenomenon can be summed up in three words: Leadership fighter and winner.    Cain the former Republican presidential candidate says the Trump phenomenon" is so powerful that black women are leaving the Democratic Party to support Trump a current Republican presidential candidate. Cain might not be that far off base at least according to political consultant Frank Luntz who told the online Politico page recently that Trump has a good chance of winning the black vote should he win the Republican nomination.

LuntzIf he were the Republican nominee he would get the highest percentage of black votes since Ronald Reagan in 1980" says Luntz (right). 

They find him fascinating and in all the groups I have done I have found Obama voters they couldve voted for Obama twice but if theyre African American they would consider Trump."

The former Republican presidential candidate believes black women who call in to his radio show are professing their love for Donald Trump:

What Trump is doing that the others may not be doing as well is attracting non-traditional voters" Cain said. 

Ive seen many quotes of people who said I have given up on voting. I gave up on it but Im coming back in."

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