11 Measures by Rep. Gattis to Become Law

Includes Tax Relief ROTC Scholarships End to TRCC & Public Safety Measures width=65With the 81st regular session at a close 11 measures by Representative Gattis will become law.  This is in addition to seven bills related to Municipal Utility Districts and 38 resolutions honoring various individuals and events.  This does not include a number of important measures that Representative Gattis joint authored with other members. Representative Gattis legislative accomplishments this session will have a significant impact on the lives of Texans.  Representative Gattis successfully secured $16 million in the budget for the Texas A&M Health Science Center in Round Rock which is critical to the continued construction and future operations of this highly acclaimed medical school that will help address the growing healthcare needs of the entire state.  Another bill by Representative Gattis HB 2291 will bring relief to taxpayers by bringing transparency and accountability to the property tax and appraisal system.  Representative Gattis also worked to protect homeowners through the abolishment of the Texas Residential Construction Commission.  Although the TRCC was eliminated through the sunset process Representative Gattis introduced a bill to accomplish the same goal.  Representative Gattis also authored a bill to promote increased participation in Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) programs throughout the state by implementing the Texas Armed Services Scholarship Program that will provide 185 scholarships to students in the amount of $5000. Representative Gattis worked on other measures that are being sent to Governor Perry for his signature including: expanding the individuals eligible to serve as county veterans service officers with HB 3872; enhancing airport grant funding throughout the state with HB 2314; putting an end to the manipulation of power lines such as seen in Hutto with HB 3309; implementing a rural development economic development grant program with SB 1016; protecting communities from repeat DWI offenders with SB 328; and allowing local pharmacies to provide a 90 day supply of prescriptions to current and retired state employees and teachers with SB 704. Another piece of legislation by Representative Gattis has already been signed into law which states that individuals no longer are required to present a social security number when applying for a vehicle title.  I am honored to fight for issues that are important to my constituents.  Although there is still much to be accomplished in the next session such as voter ID we were able to pass important bills that I authored to support higher education and healthcare improve the public safety of our citizens protect the identity of individuals and bolster military scholarship programs throughout the state Representative Gattis said.      Representative Gattis is serving his fourth term in the Texas House of Representatives and represents House District 20 which includes much of Williamson County and all of Milam County.
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