124 Released Illegal Immigrants Later Charged with 138 Murders

ICE releases 36000 illegal immigrants convicted of murder other crimes ICEWASHINGTON D.C. (Texas Insider Report)  U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) reported there are 156 criminal aliens who were released at least twice by ICE since 2013. Between them these criminals had 1776 convictions before their first release in 2013 with burglary larceny and drug possession Immigration&CustomsEnforcementICE3dlisted most frequently. In total ICE has revealed that 124 illegal immigrant criminals released from jail by the Obama Administration since 2010 have been subsequently charged with murder.    According to a memo report issued to the Senate Judiciary Committee detailing the crimes of released illegal aliens between 2010 and 2015 the U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) released from custody 124 criminal aliens who were charged with murder during that same period and associated with 250 different communities in the United States with the most clustered in California New York and Texas. A Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) report on the ICE data added that the Senate Judiciary Committee is not releasing the names of the murder suspects.
The criminal aliens released by ICE in these years who had already been convicted of 1000s of crimes are responsible for a significant crime spree in American communities including 124 new 3-14-16homicides said the report written by CISs respected director of policy studies Jessica M. Vaughan. Inexplicably ICE is choosing to release some criminal aliens multiple times. Of the 121 total aliens 2 had homicide-related convictions prior to release from ICE custody. The aliens were charged with a total of 135 homicide-related crimes subsequent to release from ICE custody.  As of July 25 2015 a total of 39 convictions have resulted from these homicide-related charges said the report delivered to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley
Vaughan added that 75 were released due to court orders or because their countries wouldnt take them back. VaughanJessicaCIS-CenterWhats more her report said that in 2014 ICE released 30558 criminal aliens who had been convicted of 92347 crimes. Only 3 have been deported. Her analysis is the latest shocking review of Obamas open-border immigration policy. And despite the high number of illegal immigrants charged with murder the list doesnt include those released by over 300 so-called sanctuary cities and those ICE declined to take into custody.
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