40 Days for Life Continues Pro-Life Prayer Vigil

At the Halfway Mark - Saving Lives and Changing Hearts 40-days-for-lifeAUSTIN Texas-40 Days for Life Austin a ground-breaking grassroots movement devoted to peaceful promotion of a pro-life message has reached the halfway point in its fall campaign and with 20 days left continues to save lives and change hearts. The response weve gotten so far has been phenomenal said Austin Campaign Director Elizabeth McClung. Hundreds of Texans from all walks of life have come together out of a shared desire to see an end to abortion and to bring their pro-life convictions to the streets in a peaceful compassionate way said McClung. Even more importantly at least one woman who was contemplating an abortion chose instead to keep her child. 40 Days for Life doesnt confront women seeking abortions in a hostile way but prays for them and offers sidewalk counseling for those who are interested in alternatives to abortion. 40 Days for Life began in College Station Texas in 2004. It has since spread to more than 200 American cities and seven foreign countries. Built on a foundation of prayer and fasting the visible public centerpiece is a peaceful presence at multiple abortion facilities from September 23 through November 1. This campaign is about peacefully uniting people across America and the world who desire to see an end to abortion McClung said. Its not about judging but showing compassion and praying for a change in our culture to respect promote and cherish life. Other statistics about 40 Days for Life Austin:
  • Over 250 volunteers are committed to help maintain the prayer vigil on a daily basis and over 100 unscheduled volunteers have shown up these first 20 days.
  • Over 500 Christians from the community are uniting together in prayer and fasting for an end to abortion.
  • More than a dozen community members have stopped by the prayer vigil to thank prayer volunteers for what they are doing offering bottled water coffee umbrellas and even an entire pizza
  • Fourteen new Sidewalk Counselors have been trained to lovingly and Prayer-vigil-40-days-for-lifecompassionately reach out to women entering the abortion facilities.
There will be a candle-lit prayer vigil at 7:30 pm at the south Austin prayer vigil site Today Oct. 12 (the abortion facility at 1902 S IH 35). Praise and worship music will accompany the candle-lit service. Two post-abortive women will share the stories of their own abortions. To learn more about 40 Days for Life Austin visit www.40daysforlife.com/austin.
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