A $3.6 Trillion Burden on Posterity

width=65 Cherish public credit. …avoiding likewise the accumulation of debt…not ungenerously throwing upon posterity the burden which we ourselves ought to bear." President George Washington Farewell Address 1796 If George Washington the Father of our Country" were alive today he would demand a paternity test.   Congress just passed the highest spending highest borrowing budget in world history just weeks after passing the Obama Stimulus package the biggest single government spending project since Khufu ordered up the Great Pyramid.  Combined this drunken spree of spending has created more public debt since the presidential inauguration on January 20 than the public debt of every other U.S. President in history - combined. We havent just placed a burden upon posterity as Washington feared weve strapped an unbearable yoke on our children and grandchildren. General Washington would still be proud that his legacy lives on in Central Texas.  In an email poll of the 31st Congressional District taken Tuesday March 31 81 of the 5000 folks who participated said they opposed this massive spending bill. How massive is it? A couple weeks back we compared the spending practices of the Obama Administration and the Democrat House and Senate with those of the average Texas family. The true financial irresponsibility of the Stimulus Bill we were debating at that time became crystal clear under that comparison.  If the average Texas family making $3800 a month already owing $1750 a month in bills did what the Democrats did with the stimulus bill they would take out a personal loan for $20000 adding another $225 to their monthly loan payments.    If we do the same with the 10-Year Budget Resolution that just passed the House the reality of the financial burden placed on America is staggering. Our average Texas family would have just agreed to spend $64000 next year with their income still at $45000 and borrow the difference.  And they agreed to keep on spending over $60000 a year and borrowing again each year for the next 10 years.  The same family that started this year in trouble because of their $112000 total debt would now be on track to owe a back-breaking $335000 in ten years with monthly debt payments over $3116 on an income of $3800.  That equals bankruptcy.  But just like our average family we wont feel it right off.  That family would be able to immediately use that borrowed money to remodel their house buy a new car and re-pave the driveway over the next couple years before the borrowed money started running out and the bills started coming due.  As a nation well see the highway plans we wanted approved our local schools remodeled trillions in new federal healthcare benefits and countless public projects undertaken.  Then well start seeing our childrens and our nations futures crumble into the dustbin of history.   The budget resolution passed by the Democrats this month will double the national debt in five years and triple it in ten.  We will be adding nearly a trillion dollars a year to that national debt for the next ten years. We have a very responsible alternative available.  The alternate budget resolution would have balanced the federal budget by 2019 reduced the federal debt by $6 trillion below the Obama budget and provided $1.2 trillion in tax relief to stimulate job growth.  The Democrats shot it down.       But hope does spring eternal. Fortunately this budget resolution that just passed the House is only the start of this years votes on the budget. The budget will now be broken down into 13 smaller appropriations bills as it moves through the House so well additional chances at improving this monstrosity.  If the final version looks like what just passed this week we still have a chance to undo the damage with a new House in 2010.  As bleak as things might seem at present we have a lot easier fight from that that faced by Washington against the British Army.  We dont have to pick up a musket or march through the snow.  All we have to do is keep calling emailing and faxing those in Washington who we elected to represent us with a simple message:  Start acting like the progeny of George Washington instead of that of George III.  And if you dont we will send someone else.
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