By Congressman Michael McCaul

Last Thursday the House passed H.R. 2847 the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act by a vote of 217-201. This will have a direct impact on Dell and other companies in our technology & energy sectors will kill jobs and damage our ability to compete in a global economy.
I voted against this bill because it increases taxes by $10 billion by double-taxing companies that do business overseas.
Bloated Budget
The debt and deficits in President Obamas 2011 budget are greater than the administration projected they would be.
According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) the Presidents plan pushes FY11 spending to a record $3.8 trillion widens this years deficit to $1.5 trillion and raises taxes by another $1.8 trillion over the next ten years.
The President tells the American people he wants to freeze spending lower taxes and bring down the debt but his actions do quite the opposite.
I continue to support reforming the tax code making it simpler more pro-growth and more competitive.
Preventing Harmful Restraint & Seclusion in Schools Act
Last Wednesday I voted against but the House passed H.R. 4247. This bill authorizes the Department of Education to set minimum standards for seclusion and restraint practices for any school public or private that receives federal funding.
This bill will expand federal authority and regulates an issue already handled by the state.
Currently Texas has in place several laws and regulations related to seclusion and restraint and there is no need for the federal government and the Department of Education to set a minimum standard for all.