By Sibyl West
Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN Texas Last week I received a letter dated July 20 2010 from the office of the Governor of Texas Rick Perry. The two page document laid out in specific terms his official stance on the issue of immigration. At first I was a little surprised since I had not written to the Governor but I have written here about immigration and asked what I consider a few obvious questions.
Ive also
posted some discussions among concerned citizens. Maybe the word got out.
In any case I appreciated the unsolicited input for setting the record straight.
Here are the excerpts that stand out to me.
In response to the federal governments continued failure to adequately address border security Governor Perry has said Texas will no longer wait on Washington D.C. to protect its residents.

That sounds good.
Many Texans have asked about the governors thoughts on legislation recently passed in Arizona. Governor Perry released a statement on the issue stating
I fully recognize and support a states right and obligation to protect its citizens but I have concerns with portions of the law passed in Arizona and believe it would not be the right direction for Texas."
Governor Perry specifically pointed out that the Arizona legislation turns law enforcement officers into immigration officials by requiring them to determine immigration status during any lawful contact with a suspected alien taking officers away from their existing law enforcement duties which are critical to keeping citizens safe. my emphasis
This incoherent line is the crux of the matter. Furthermore:
The governor believes the focus of law enforcement should continue to be on the criminal elements involved with conducting criminal acts against Texans and their property.
Oh in other words law enforcement should not enforce the law regarding aliens coming into our country illegally. Officers should be cleaning up AFTER

a criminal act or attack rather than preventing such acts from the very people who have already clearly demonstrated their contempt for our laws by unlawfully coming in. Why is that not a criminal act against Texans and their property?
This is the attitude that leads to the audacity of one of the countless illegals
perpetrating rape in broad daylight after innumerable arrests and nine deportations and who knows what else for which he was NOT caught.
These words advocate
institutionalized ignorance. The perps know that law enforcement is being told to ignore them. Yes I said perps. Anyone in the country illegally is a perp with a carte blanche to now do whatever he wants to anyone he wants.
And the worst that can happen is he gets convicted and sentenced to 200 years in prison where he gets free food free lodging free medical care (
?????!!!@#&$) maybe even free art classes and free internet for the rest of his life. What a country!
For Governor Perrys full statement visit

Mind you I received this letter from the Governor before yesterdays ruling by the Arizona judge on 1070. Yet the Wednesday talk shows had ruling class flack spokesmen murmuring the same apologist lines spinning what one called separation of powers.
Catchy phrase separation of powers.
This square peg is being crammed into the round hole as
separation of the powers of federal and local law enforcement. But I say it is nothing but obfuscation pure and simple.
The action here is that the Obama Aministration and the nation of cowards" head of the Department of Social Justice are pressuring the feds to keep the border open and the feds are pressuring the states to fall in line. THE END GAME IS HISPANIC VOTES GOING TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER and election for life. And instead of curbing this lawlessness Republicans are trying to get in on the action.
I contend that those who oppose strict immigration enforcement are actually in favor of
enslaving yet another segment of humanity as voters.
So does Governor Perry side with the Democrats? Or is White Mans Guilt going to take us down on this issue too - just as it did during the
hearings on Fannie and Freddies illegal bookkeeping back in 2004?
You make the call.
Watch for
our new feature The Human Cost" which will highlight real crimes perpetrated by the new protected class.
Sibyl West is the editor in chief of who was named 2010 Blogger of the Year by Americans for Prosperity-Texas. She is a perennial student of Vedanta philosophy who lived for 25 years in the Far East.