AUSTIN Affiliated Computer Services Inc. (ACS) a Xerox Company has partnered with Eastfield College to provide job training using a $1.8 million Skills Development Fund grant from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC).
The grant will be used to custom train 1275 new and incumbent workers in LEAN skills which streamline processes save time eliminate waste and improve productivity.
Maintaining a workforce that is trained in the latest technology and business needs will go a long way to keep employers and jobs in Texas" said state Rep. Robert Miklos. These training opportunities will help Texas succeed in the global marketplace."
Our Skills Development Fund grants serve everyone well" said TWC Commissioner Representing Labor Ronny Congleton. Workers get the specialized training they need and the communities benefit from a more highly skilled workforce."
In Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Skills Development Fund grants created or upgraded 19516 jobs which paid an average hourly wage of $24.44. These grants assisted 170 Texas employers with their customized training needs. The Legislature appropriated $90 million to the Skills Development Fund for the 2010-11 biennium.
Employers seeking more information about the Skills Development Fund may visit the TWC Web site at
Eastfield College contact: Sharon Cook director of college communications and community relations (972) 860-7629