Asking to Halt Plans for Park & Ride that Threatens the Edwards Aquifer
Published: 11-28-07
Published: 11-28-07

What: Aquifer Guardians (AGUA) and the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance (GEAA) discuss the proposal to put a Park & Ride facility on an extremely sensitive site in the Edwards Recharge Zone which will be voted on this Thursday at the City Council hearing.
Where: AGUA/GEAA Office 1809 Blanco (Parking in front of building – or on Elsmere or Lynwood—west side of Blanco)
When: Wednesday November 28 2007 @ 10:30AM
AGUA and the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance urge the Mayor and City Council to deny this request to increase impervious cover in this extremely vulnerable part of the Edwards Recharge Zone (ERZ) from the current limit of 15 to 65 to build a facility inappropriate for this location on the ERZ.
AGUA is a coalition of concerned individuals and citizen groups working together to preserve the Edwards Aquifer in Bexar County.
The Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance unites 41 member organizations throughout the 21 county Edwards Region behind a comprehensive plan to protect the Edwards Aquifer its springs watersheds rivers flora and fauna and the Texas Hill Country.