By Michelle Malkin
While President Obama assails the culture of greed and recklessness practiced by the men of Goldman Sachs his administration is infested with them. The White House can no more disown Government Sachs than Da Boss-in-chief can disown Chicago politics.
Obama is headed to Wall Street on Thursday to demand financial regulatory reform -- just as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has filed civil suit against Goldman Sachs for mortgage-related fraud. Question the timing? Darn tootin.
There are no coincidences in the perpetually orchestrated Age of O. Everyone from disgraced former New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer to analysts at the Brookings Institution and Barclays Capital to the GOP leadership and Rush Limbaugh has noted the reeking political opportunism in the air.
As the New York Post reported Tuesday the Democratic National Committee immediately bought sponsored Internet ads on Google that direct web surfers who type in Goldman Sachs SEC to Obamas fundraising site. Its time to hold the big banks accountable the money-grubbing DNC message bellows. But just like his crony capitalist predecessor George W. Bush Obama has relied on Goldman Sachs and Wall Street power brokers to engineer massive government interventions to rescue failing businesses with the tax dollars of ordinary Americans.
While irony-challenged Democratic candidates like mob-linked banker Alexi Giannoulias in Illinois (who hopes to fill Obamas old Senate seat) call on Republicans to return their fat-cat Goldman Sachs donations the Democrats are silent on the $994795 in Goldman Sachs campaign cash that Obama bagged. The class-warfare Dems are also mum on all the presidents Goldman Sachs men sitting in the catbirds seat:
-- Goldman Sachs partner Gary Gensler is Obamas Commodity Futures Trading Commission head. He was confirmed despite heated congressional grilling over his role as Reuters described it as a high-level Treasury official in a 2000 law that exempted the $58 trillion credit default swap market from oversight. The financial instruments have been blamed for amplifying global financial turmoil. Gensler said he was sorry -- hey it worked for tax cheat Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner -- and was quickly installed to guard the henhouse.
-- Goldman Sachs kept White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel on a $3000 monthly retainer while he worked as Clintons chief fundraiser as first reported by Washington Examiner columnist Tim Carney. The financial titans threw in another $50000 to become the Clinton primary campaigns top funder. Emanuel received nearly $80000 in cash from Goldman Sachs during his four terms in Congress -- investments that have reaped untold rewards as Emanuel assumed a leading role championing the trillion-dollar TARP banking bailout law.
-- Former Goldman Sachs lobbyist Mark Patterson serves under Geithner as his top deputy and overseer of TARP bailout -- $10 billion of which went to Goldman Sachs. Left-leaning government watchdog Melanie Sloan of the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington responded: It makes it appear that they are saying one thing and doing another. Paul Blumenthal of the Sunlight Foundation noted that while at Goldman Sachs Patterson lobbied against executive pay limits that Obama had crusaded for as senator (before that is his administration carved out exemptions for AIG). While Patterson agreed to recuse himself on any Goldman Sachs-related issues or related policy concerns Blumenthal wrote it still creates a serious conflict for Geithner as Treasury is being partly managed by a former Goldman lobbyist. Geithner is also placed in a tough position considering that his chief of staff is limited in the areas in which he can work (supposedly).
-- Obamas close hometown crony campaign finance chief and senior adviser Penny Pritzker was head of Superior Bank of Chicago a subprime specialist that went bust in 2001 leaving more than 1400 people stripped of their savings after bank officials falsified profit reports. Pritzkers lawyer at OMelveny and Myers Tom Donilon is now Obamas deputy national security adviser. He earned just shy of $4 million representing her and other high-profile meltdown clients including Goldman Sachs.
-- White House National Economic Council head Larry Summers reaped nearly $2.8 million in speaking fees from many of the major financial institutions and government bailout recipients he now polices including JP Morgan Chase Citigroup Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs. A single speech to Goldman Sachs in April 2008 brought in $135000. Summers has prior experience negotiating government-sponsored bailouts that benefit private concerns. In 1995 he spearheaded a $40 billion Mexican peso bailout that bypassed Congress. Summers personally leaned on the International Monetary Fund to provide nearly $18 billion for the package. Summers boss then Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin was former co-chairman of Wall Street giant Goldman Sachs -- the Mexican governments investment banking firm of choice.
Rubin continues to mentor another former employee of his with regular visits and chats -- Treasury Secretary Geithner who as head of the New York Federal Reserve pushed bailed-out insurance conglomerate AIG to cover up sweetheart deals for investment banks that benefited you guessed it Goldman Sachs.
As Obama harangues Wall Street to clean up its house all the presidents Goldman Sachs men have their feet on the coffee table at his.
Michelle Malkin makes news and waves with a unique combination of investigative journalism and incisive commentary. She is the author of Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild .