By John Boehner
Why is President Obama letting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Congress run health care reform into the ground?
Since President Obama took office Republicans have stood ready to work with him to pass bipartisan health care reforms that reflect the priorities of struggling American families and small businesses.
But instead of listening to the American people the president has allowed Speaker Pelosi the Democratic Congress and special-interest groups to write a bill that puts Washington in control of Americans health care something most Americans staunchly oppose. And instead of using the power of the bully pulpit to rein in the speaker and her allies the president has attempted to use it to spin the American people about the hopelessly flawed bill the speaker is seeking to pass in September.
A radical bill
In a town hall meeting in New Hampshire Tuesday President Obama once again dramatically misrepresented the Democrats health care bill. But Americans arent buying it. Opposition is mounting and Americans are increasingly angry about being jammed with a radical bill they dont want.
The backlash isnt fabricated and those expressing vocal opposition are not un-American as Speaker Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer suggested on this page Monday. To the contrary it is real and it exists for a single simple reason: The more the American people learn about the Democrats health care bill the less they like it.
No one condones the actions of those who disrupt public events. Every citizen should have the opportunity to express his or her views in an orderly and respectful way. But those in Washington who dismiss the frustration of the American people and call it manufactured do so at their own peril.
Health care is a very personal issue and it affects everyone. Families and small businesses want answers to some basic questions. How much will the Democrats plan cost? Will it add to the debt my children will pay? Are new taxes really necessary? Can I keep my health plan and my doctor? Will the cuts to Medicare impact services for my parents? Will it impact my job?
President Obama made four claims Tuesday that dont pass the straight-face test.
• First he said Under the reform were proposing if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor and If you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan. USA TODAYs assessment of this statement: Not necessarily. And the Associated Press and ABC News have proved this claim false noting that White House officials have acknowledged the presidents rhetoric shouldnt be taken literally. Thats because the White House cannot guarantee that Americans will be able to keep their health plan. They simply dont know how many employers will drop their coverage altogether if their plan goes into effect. Experts at the Lewin Group estimate the number could be more than 100 million Americans.
• Second the president said I look at the federal budget and realize that if we dont control costs on health care there is no way for us to close the budget deficit it will just keep on skyrocketing. Yet according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office the House Democrats bill would raise costs and the deficit by $239 billion over 10 years.
• Third the president said Were not talking about cutting Medicare benefits. But one of the reasons seniors are so alarmed is that the plan would cut Medicare to the tune of $361.9 billion over 10 years. That means fewer choices and lower quality care exactly what then-Sen. Obama blasted during his campaign.
• Finally the president claimed the plan will not lead to rationing. But the bill on page 30 section 123 would create a Health Benefits Advisory Committee that would make determinations about what kinds of treatments items and services can be covered within certain benefit classes and what kind of cost sharing will occur.
Americans want a better plan
The White House has mounted yet another new offensive this week to make its case. But Americans dont want a better sales pitch; they want a better plan to lower costs and improve the quality of health care.
Americans are frustrated and angry and they dont believe Washington gets it. Its not just about health care its also about out-of-control government spending thats piling debt on our kids and grandkids. Its also about jobs. Families and small businesses are struggling and theyre rightly asking Where are the jobs? The last thing Americans want is more double-talk.
Republicans are offering better solutions that would make quality health care more affordable and accessible for every American. Its time for President Obama to call on Speaker Pelosi to scrap this costly plan start over and work with Republicans on reforms that reflect the priorities of the American people.
John Boehner of Ohio is the Republican leader in the U.S. House of Representatives.