Americans For Prosperity Opposes $300 Million Bond Package

Published: 10-23-08

For Failing Mismanaged Education System

width=65AUSTIN- Round Rock Independent School District (RRISD) is asking voters to approve another bond package totaling almost $300 million.  The district’s debt is now $630 million.  Fifteen years ago it was only $15 million. 

“We are leaving our children a legacy of debt” said Peggy Venable Round Rock ISD taxpayer and director of Americans for Prosperity.  “Taxpayers’ intentions are good when they vote for a bond initiative but they are voting for deferred taxes and debt which today’s students will be saddled with repaying.”

Texas ranks 3rd among the 10 most populous states in terms of local debt per capita. In fiscal year 2004 84.3 of Texas’ total state and local debt burden was at the local level. 

After rejecting a $300 million bond initiative in 2005 which was promoted by a video shown at high schools the school district tried again.  And in 2006 the citizens of Round Rock ISD approved a school bond package totaling $267.6 million for capital improvement projects.  On Nov 4 Round Rock ISD is again asking voters to approve two proposals totaling $294 million.

 “We need more education for our dollars not more dollars for education” said Venable. “If the school district were exemplary that might be acceptable. But that is certainly not the case.” 

According to the Texas Education Agency’s data (Snapshot 2007):
• RRISD’s completion rate is 86 (so the dropout rate is really 14)
• Teachers comprise only slightly more than half the district staff
• Teachers are paid significantly less than “support staff” – let alone administrators!
• Less than 45 of the revenue is spent on instruction
• ($9093 revenue per pupil; $4081 per pupil is spent on instruction)
• The Superintendent has received two raises and  an increase in his monthly expense allowance
• And RRISD is rated only academically “Acceptable” which is second from the bottom.

“This isn’t acceptable to parents and taxpayers” said Venable.  “RRISD should give us more education for our dollars before they ask taxpayers to dig deeper into our pockets and hand over more dollars for a failing education system.”

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a nationwide organization of citizen leaders committed to advancing every individual’s right to economic freedom and opportunity. For more information visit

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