Published: 09-21-07

Moreover the 1000 grassroots leaders from across the country will be taking a message to Washington D.C. that Ronald Reagan said “You can’t put a price tag on the American Dream. That dream is the heart and soul of America; it’s the promise that keeps our nation forever good and generous a model and hope to the world.” The summit’s purpose is to bring attention to promote policies which help Americans attain and retain the American Dream.
AFP promotes putting citizens in greater control over the growth of government and works to keep average citizens’ voices from being drowned out by big government. Policies that threaten to destroy the American Dream such as higher taxes more spending burdensome regulation that limits job growth and endless red-tape to name a few are at the crux of actions that destroy our nation’s economy.
Speakers will discuss emerging issues for 2008 and what Americans can do to keep their freedom. Topics will cover principles of economic and individual freedom in relation to government spending earmarks taxation and tax reform health care global warming education reform media and others.
Confirmed speakers include presidential candidates Former Sen. Fred Thompson Gov. Mitt Romney Cong. Sam Brownback Cong. Ron Paul and former NY City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
Other Congressional and State government leaders to speak include U.S. Representative Jeb Hensarling; U.S. Representative Jeff Flake; U.S. Representative Scott Garrett; U.S. Senator Tom Coburn; U.S. Representative Mike Pence and Former Ohio Lt. Governor Michael Steele GOPAC Chairman.
Other speakers include John Stossel of ABC’s 20/20; Dinesh D’Souza author of What’s so Great About America and Ronald Reagan; Robert Cochran Executive Producer of Fox’s 24; John Fund and Steve Moore from the Wall Street Journal; Grover Norquist president of Americans for Tax Reform; Dr. Art Laffer Economic Policy Advisory Board member for President Reagan; Dr. James C. Miller III AFP Board Member and former Budget Director for President Reagan and Dr. Barry Poulson AFP Distinguished Scholar.
Michael Quinn Sullivan president of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility will also be at the Summit to participate in the Center Right meeting chaired by Norquist.
Americans for Prosperity and Americans for Prosperity Foundation (AFPF) are committed to educating citizens about economic policy and mobilizing those citizens as advocates in the public policy process. AFP is an organization of grassroots leaders who engage citizens to promote limited government and free markets on the local state and federal levels.
Thomas Jefferson understood well what an ever growing government can do to remove individual freedom. "No government can continue good but under the control of the people." – wrote Thomas Jefferson in a letter to John Adams 1819.
AFP mobilizes citizens to effectively make their voices heard in public policy issue campaigns and educates citizens about where their elected officials stand on issues. The grassroots members of AFP advocate for public policies that champion the principles of entrepreneurship and fiscal and regulatory restraint.
AFP mobilizes citizens to effectively make their voices heard in public policy issue campaigns and educates citizens about where their elected officials stand on issues. The grassroots members of AFP advocate for public policies that champion the principles of entrepreneurship and fiscal and regulatory restraint.
AFP and AFPF’s network of organized and influential citizen leaders come from a growing number of states throughout the country. They have effectively recruited and educated thousands of citizens on how to promote greater economic prosperity.
For more information and to register to attend the event go to