GOP Truth Squad member says the White Houses made for TV moments just arent cutting it with taxpayers

WASHINGTON D.C. President Obama is going ahead with his plan to hold a day long health care summit with Democrats and Republicans on Thursday but the real question is why? According to a new USA Today/Gallup Poll 77 of Americans think nothing will come out of the planned six-hour session and roughly half oppose the Democrats Health Care bill and using reconciliation to pass any part of it.
Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX) the Senior House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee and a member of the GOP Health Care Truth Squad said the President showed his cards about this summit on Monday when he released his health care plan which closely mirrors the Senate plan.
One new thing the Presidents plan would do is create powerful new board of bureaucrats. The President not only completely missed the mark he fired the arrow into the trees rather that at the target" said Brady. What Americans want is the clean slate we need to finally address the junk lawsuits fraud and rising premiums that are choking our small businesses families and our seniors. Instead President Obama wants to put even more bureaucrats between patients and their doctors."
Some of the items in the Presidents summary plan include allowing tax dollars to pay for elective abortions; raising the so-called Cadillac Health Care Plan tax above the already harsh level set in the Senate Bill; nearly tripling the Employer Mandate Tax; and creating a new Health Insurance Rate Authority to put the government not the free market in control of health care prices.
This is a recipe for fewer not more health care options for Americans in the future added Brady who will be one of 17 Republicans on the GOP Leaderships Truth Squad which will be ready to counter any misrepresentations about the Republicans approach because as Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) says they have been listening to the people they were sent to Washington to represent.
The 800 pound gorilla in the room is how much will all this cost? However the Congressional Budget Office cant answer that question without more information from a White House which seems to think that more taxes and having a board of bureaucrats say no to premium increases will make everything all better.