Appointed County Judge Forced to Reverse Toll Road Tax Hike Stance

Owner of Transportation Consulting Company Was “Excited” After Voting to Raise Taxes but 24 Hours Later May Be Changing View on “Emmett Tax”

Published: 06-21-07

Just 24 hours after he led the county commissioners in voting unanimously to double Harris County toll road fees in some areas universal protests forced your appointed county judge on Wednesday to rethink his inaugural plan to finance regional transportation projects.

On Tuesday the judge who continues to run The Emmett Company was quoted on-air by KTRK Channel 13  as “excited” after he and the commissioners voted unanimously to hike toll road fees on the Sam Houston Tollway Hardy Toll Road and Westpark Tollway.  When asked what would become of commuters who couldn’t afford the increases Commissioner Steve Radack dismissively added:  “Let them go down Richmond Avenue.”
On the front page of this morning’s Houston Chronicle however both the appointed judge — who proudly touts his transportation experience — and the commissioner appear to be reconsidering their toll road scheme.

"This week’s vote to hike transportation taxes during a summer driving season marked by spiraling gas prices clearly demonstrates the problem of matching an arbitrarily appointed county judge who still runs his transportation consulting company with commissioners that are clearly out of touch with their constituents” said Friends of Charles Bacarisse spokesman Jim McGrath. 

“With the judge you have a potential conflict of interest that at a minimum has clouded his judgment; and with at least one commissioner you have a ‘let them eat cake’ mentality that apparently cares little for the welfare of the average commuter.  The solution is to elect a leader who cares about our people as much as he cares about solving the tough issues we face and that leader is Charles Bacarisse.”

The Friends of Charles Bacarisse is a special political action committee that was formed by grassroots Republicans to advocate the election of Charles as county judge and is acting separate and apart from our District Clerk.  Join the growing list of “Bacarisse Backers” at
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