Discussion increases on what legislators will be able to run on in 2010

There is increasing discussion inside the Capitol in Austin regarding what accomplishments legislators will be able to run on come 2010 or perhaps more accurately a growing concern over the likely lack of accomplishments given the progress of bill movement to date.
Austin prognosticators are also beginning to increasingly focus upon who or what entity will be available to dependably raise campaign funds to defend legislators performance.
When Speaker Joe Straus (R-San Antonio) took his seat on January 13th he vowed to bring peace back to the House. In his acceptance speech he said The Texas House of Representatives cannot conduct the peoples business if it is divided and thats why I became a candidate for speaker."
Undoubtedly referring to the chaos that defined the Texas House at the end of the 80th Legislature Speaker Straus and a majority of House members believed a less controversial leader would allow lawmakers to focus on the peoples business" rather than get caught up in political infighting.
With the House narrowly divided between Republicans and Democrats Speaker Straus carved up the chairmanship posts nearly evenly and some have even said masterfully. Yet as with all speakers he rewarded his most devoted members many of whom did not have prior experience as chairmen.
To be sure the House is quieter this session but it cannot be ignored that with less than two months to go none of Governor Perrys emergency items have been addressed and debate about a vast array of other significant issues has been virtually silent.
Straus predecessor as Speaker Tom Craddick (R-Midland) took most of the blame for the Houses unrest over the past two sessions. He was accused of being too heavy-handed in his leadership and of not giving his members the freedom to run the House to their liking but the work always got done and even as he faced a coup at the end of last session he vowed to pass the budget and did.
Every speaker has to forge their own way in defining what type of leader they will be. The House has been more peaceful under Speaker Straus but the true test in the Texas Legislature will be what they are able to accomplish in a matter of 140 days. If they dont follow up on the promise of accomplishing more under more friendly" working conditions by focusing on the priorities of the people lawmakers walk away from the 81st Legislature with little to take back to their districts and Speaker Straus will surely be attacked whether accurate or not.
Despite his critics assertions Tom Craddick was conservative leader who delivered on the promise of getting things done. The mainstream media did not agree with his philosophies and consequently they criticized and ultimately destroyed his ability to maintain the chair.
But an honest analysis of what was accomplished under his Speakership cannot deny that things got done tort reform balancing the budget insurance reform property tax cuts improved & substantial increases in education funding colleges and universities prospered the Texas Tomorrow Fund was created Medicaid reform eminent domain and the list goes on.
So why the increasing discussions or concerns by legislators inside the Capitol in Austin today?
The speaker of the House without a doubt has the most difficult job in the Legislature. His challenge is to ensure work is achieved while trying to please 149 other members of the chamber. In order to carry out the former one must eventually realize that the latter is impossible.
State Representatives may have demanded a calmer House but at the end of the day they will insist upon a leader who helps them look good in their districts. That not being accomplished criticism is sure to ensue. After all members know that they are accountable to the voters of those districts and it is them who will be the eventual judge on the success of this 2009 Legislative Session