Texas Congressman Pete Sessions was The Man in Charge
By Merrill Matthews
By the time the Republican victories started rolling in on the evening of November 2 it was almost anticlimactic. Virtually everyone knew by thendespite repeated denials from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the White Housethat Republicans were going to do well in the House of Representatives and maybe even in the Senate.
Since election night the media pundits and Democrats have endlessly agonized over who did what wrong. Did President Obama and the Democrats simply fail to sufficiently explain to the American people how much they had done for the country? Or maybe the losses were a foregone conclusion given the sorry state of the economyObamas economy.
To be sure Obama and the Democrats did a lot wrong but blunders alone are insufficient to explain the massive win for House Republicans taking 63 Democratically held seatsthe biggest pro-Republican turnover since 1938. It took an organized well-formulated and well-executed plan to achieve that kind of success.
Democrats didnt just do something wrong; House Republicans did something right. As Republicans return to Washington this week to take charge of the House its a good time to ask who was behind the victory and how the House was won.
A Dirty Job
On election night Rep. Pete Sessions the Texas Republican who runs the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) had to feel both relief and pride. The NRCC is the organization tasked with identifying potential House of

Representatives candidates recruiting them and helping them get over the finish line with a victory.
Sessions took over the job at the beginning of 2009 after Republicans lost 53 net House seats in two election cycles putting Democrats in control and making Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House.
When Barack Obama won the White House in 2008 and Democrats expanded their hold on both the House and Senate pundits around the country wondered if Republicans would ever recover. Who in the world would be foolish enough they mused to run a defeated and dying organization like the NRCC?
Apparently Pete Sessions was. Taking on the role of recruiting new candidates for office is usually considered a prestigious job; but after your party has taken a shellacking" for two elections well not so much. Indeed by 2009 the job of running the NRCC might have been a good candidate for a segment on the Discovery Channels Dirty Jobs."
A Business Model vs. a Political Model
For all their praise of how efficient private sector business is when compared to the government politicians dont typically adopt private sector methods for achieving political success even in areas where adopting a business model makes sense.
So at a lunch about a month before the election I was intrigued to learn from an NRCC staffer that Sessions had implemented a business model for winning the House.
I had asked the staffer if there were any plans to support a long-shot candidate trying to unseat a long-servingand self-serving I might addHouse Democrat who appeared vulnerable because of recent ethical scandals. No I was told. That wasnt the way the NRCC worked these days; it had adopted a business model.
Given its fixed resources the NRCC would help primarily non-incumbent candidates who had a good chance of winning Democratically held seats. The candidates were given a series of goals and benchmarks. As they achieved those goals they got more help from the NRCC. It was a way of separating sentiment from success of triaging those whose campaigns could survive a long and often

brutal political battle of betting on horses not at the starting line but as they pass each quarter-mile marker.
It was in other words a way of maximizing finite resources for the biggest possible gain.
The Man in Charge
Pete Sessions has a corporate background; he worked for then-Southwestern Bell for 16 years before successfully winning his first term in Congress in 1996. Bell Labs taught him to think like a businessman and he never abandoned that perspective: You have to have a written plan with goals a mission statement and time frames" Sessions says. Everything they do at the NRCC incorporates those elements.
As he begins to explain to me in his Dallas office how he instilled a business model into what is essentially a political operation Sessions stands up and walks to a whiteboard. The mission was to retire Nancy Pelosi" he says as he picks up a Sharpie and begins to draw." The goals are how you go about retiring Nancy Pelosi."
In the business world a diagram is worth a thousand words. It illustrates to everyone the big picture: who and what are where in relation to everything else; it tells the story.
So Sessions begins drawing the organization chart and explaining the boxes highlighting the responsibilities and he stresses setting up the division of labor: You must have a leader who decides the ebb and flow of where youre going." If the issue is responding to the media then the communications department is the leader and everyone has to follow them. Thats so the one closest to the customer" is the one responsible.
The Org Chart
As any elected official will tell you politics is usually done by consensuswell at least it was until Barack Obamas first two years in the White House. But business is run by a leader who (ideally) delegates responsibilities.
Sessions has also given some thought to the role of the leader. You have to train your team. And you have to be exact specific and detailed. All three have to be present to be successful."
Second" he says you have to have a shared vision everyone in the organization must have buy in. That means everyone has to understand what you want to do."
And then you measure the progress by establishing specific metrics. If youre going to have something you have to measure it." And measure he did. Those candidates who set up viable campaigns took advice and instructions and stressed the necessities like fundraising generally got more support from the NRCC. And most of them won.
Most but not all. We lost in Iowa and we lost in North Carolina even though we had some of our best candidates there" says Sessions. They did not follow a disciplined model; you have to have a model. Otherwise you go compete on day one rather than saving your money and our guys were outspent in those states nine-to-one in the last three weeks."
The Disciplined Model
One Republican told me that the NRCC before Pete Sessions was a welfare state for lazy incumbents." That was about to change. The NRCC still worked with incumbents setting up its Patriot Program" which helped incumbent candidates set goals and benchmarks and provided guidance. But the vast majority of the organizations resources 98.5 percent were spent challenging Democratically held seats.
For the challengers the NRCC set up three tiers: On the Radar" Contender" and Young Guns." A lot of attention has been given to the Young Guns program including a book by that name authored by three House Republican leaders: Eric Cantor Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy. Those three established the Young Guns program in the 2007-08 election cycle. When Sessions became chairman in 2009 he incorporated it into the NRCC as the committees official program to assist challenger and open-seat candidates.
On the Radar" simply meant a candidate had formed a campaign filed the necessary papers and was set to get started. At that level the NRCC would only provide advice and perhaps some encouragement.
To move into Contender" status the candidate had to develop a communications plan begin a successful fundraising campaign initiate a poll and get a grassroots effort with volunteers and an email list up and running. Reaching this level is important because the NRCC wanted to identify viable candidates who resonated with their own constituents rather than being a DC-driven effort pushing candidates that Washington liked but the public didnt.
If candidates demonstrated continued success then and only then could they move into the Young Guns which included the option of financial support along with other efforts that could expand the candidates contacts and resources.
And by all measures the strategy seems to have been wildly successful. Ninety-two Republican House candidates made Young Gun status; 62 won their elections.
Did Timing Play a Role?
Yes the country was angry and millions of Americans were eager to boot out the big-spenders who followed the Obama-Pelosi line. The Democrats willingness to ram through the health care bill with parliamentary slights-of-hand cap-and-trade legislation and bailout after bailout made Sessionss job easier. The success of a rain dance has a lot to do with timing" he says. Some candidates didnt do a thing Sessions told them and still won.
But the Senate also could have caught the wave yet didnt do as well as many had hoped. Sessions notes that the mood of the country had both positive and negative reverberations. We had a welcomed but passionate group of people who were madder than hell but it takes more than that to win elections. We had to systematically put into play a number of things before people understood what we were doing."
Its hard to know how much of the NRCCs victory was a result of Sessionss adopting a business model and how much of it was a result of the wave. But with a historic victory behind him its hard to argue with success. And since he is head of the NRCC again he is aggressively cranking up the org charts. Winning the 2010 election was critical in stopping Washingtons spending spree but 2012 will have to be a game changer.
Would he do anything different? Sessions says that the competitive nature of the three tiers created greater intraparty competition than he would have liked. That can both help and hurt early campaigns as they move to primaries. And the NRCC needs more money. Several of the good candidates ran out of funds in the final weeks of their campaignsthe result of an undisciplined" desire to spend too much money early on. They were dramatically outspent and lost as a result. But nothing succeeds like success. The House victory may turn reluctant and skeptical donors into future partners.
And there is one more thing that Sessions will have to do differently: He needs to find a new mission statement. The 2010 mission statement was to retire Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House. Mission accomplished.
Merrill Matthews is a resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation in Dallas Texas.