At TEA Party Express Event Senator Glenn Hegar Announces for Reelection

Chairman of Sunset Advisory Commission kicks-off campaign for 2nd term glenn-hegar2Brenham Texas Speaking to hundreds of concerned Texans attending a Tea Party Express event Texas State Senator Glenn Hegar yesterday announced the beginning of his reelection campaign for the 18th Senate district which he was first elected to represent in 2006. Hegar announced his reelection campaign on the steps of the Washington County Courthouse in Brenham as part of the 19 day Tea Party Express II that began its cross-country tour on October 26 and will travel more than 7000 miles during the one-year point from the 2010 elections. Hegar a Republican who was recently named Chairman of the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission said he was pleased to make his reelection announcement to a group of citizens who are taking an active interest in the critical issues that are confronting our state and country. I am proud to kick-off my campaign for a second-term in the Texas Senate before a group of my constituents who love their state and love their country and who are willing to speak out in defense of our constitutional freedoms and in support of the conservative values that have made Texas and America strong" said Hegar. Hegar said those freedoms were under constant assault both at home and abroad and asked attendees to remember those brave men and women in our armed forces who defend them most especially those who were the victims of Thursdays heartless and callous terrorist attack at Fort Hood. Hegar suggested to the Tea Party activists that the United States Congress should consider replicating the Sunset Advisory Commission at the federal level to seek ways to cut rather than expand the size and scope of government. In the upcoming 82nd Texas Legislature the Texas Sunset Commission will conduct intensive reviews of 29 state agencies including the Texas Department of Transportation the Texas Department of Insurance the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Texas Youth Commission. I am proud of my service in the Texas Senate and my record as a true conservative who has strongly defended the values of faith family and freedom. I am seeking reelection to the Texas Senate so that I can continue to reduce government inefficiencies save taxpayer dollars and provide common sense solutions to problems facing everyday Texans" Senator Hegar said in making his announcement. Hegar the youngest member of the Texas Senate was appointed last month as the Chairman of the Sunset Advisory Commission by Texas Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst. Hegar became the first freshman legislator to serve as the Chairman of the influential Sunset Commission. The commission was created in 1977 by the Texas Legislature to identify and eliminate waste duplication and inefficiency in state government agencies. The Sunset Advisory Commission is estimated to have saved Texas taxpayers over $736 million from 1982 to 2003. Senator Hegar also serves as the Chairman of the Legislative Sportsmans Caucus. During his leadership of the caucus he has focused on protecting the 2nd Amendment rights of Texans and strengthening the rights of sportsman and hunters in our state. Earlier this year Glenn was recognized for his strong defense of the right to keep and bear arms being awarded the Doc Brown Legislator of the Year Award for 2009 by the Texas State Rifle Association. Senator Hegar also serves as a member of the Committees on Natural Resources Agriculture & Rural Affairs Nominations and Criminal Justice. He also serves as a member of the Environmental Flows Advisory Group and a member of the Legislatures Rural Caucus. Recently Texans for Lawsuit Reform recognized Senator Hegar awarding him with their Civil Justice Leadership Award for his work in ensuring that Texas retains a world class civil justice system and for his efforts in defending the lawsuit reforms that helped bring new jobs and opportunities to Texas. In his first term in the Texas Senate and during his two terms in the Texas House of Representatives Hegar has distinguished himself as a strong conservative leader who has worked hard to defend taxpayers and strengthen Texas families. In recognition of his pro-business voting record the Texas Association of Business named Senator Hegar as a Champion for Free Enterprise" its most prestigious award. In prior sessions he was recognized as Best Legislator and the Rookie of the Year for the 80th Session by Capitol Inside received the Legislative Excellence Award from the Texas Municipal Police Association named a Star for Rural Texas by the Texas Farm Bureau and was awarded the Perfectly Pro-Life Award from Texas Right to Life. Hegar is a 6th generation Texan who farms on land that has been in his family since the mid 1800s. Hegar and his wife Dara and their children Claire Julia and Jonah live in Katy where they attend Memorial Lutheran Church.  Hegar holds a B.A. in Political Science and History from Texas A&M University a M.A. in International Economic Relations from St. Marys University a J.D. from St. Marys University School of Law and a Masters of Law in Agricultural Law from the University of Arkansas School of Law.
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