That (wrong) figure was repeated in a subsequent editorial. During 2007 and 2008 the voter registration office rejected 3518 persons who applied for voter registration cards.
Thats right the Democratic Party was only off by a factor of 20 times the actual number and it owes Mr. Bettencourt and Mr. Vasquez an apology for literally trying to make a federal case out of these bogus numbers and attacks. Partisan attacks have continued over the last ten days as well from the State Democratic Party their allies at the Lone Star Project (a George Soros funded organization) and liberal bloggers out to run a smear campaign against the office. Nothing in the recent lawsuit settlement addresses past voter registration procedures or mentions any statistics whatsoever. Its clear that all the democrats want to do is attack a voter registration system that successfully placed 1.964 million people on the rolls in time for a hotly contested Presidential election. Im proud of what both our former and current Republican Tax Assessor-Collectors are doing in trying to fight these lies by the Democrats. And Id ask for your help to maintain the good names of these two Harris County public servants -- spread the word today and send on my comments here to your friends family and co-workers.