Attention Democrats: Bill White Cant Win In November

farouk-shamiA Rasmussen Poll released Wednesday shows that Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill White cant win against any of the Republican gubernatorial candidates this November. White cant even muster enough points in the pool to defeat Debra Medina the darling of the Tea Party movement in Texas. Medina struggles to get 16 support in the Republican polls but still bests the establishment-anointed Democratic Frontrunner Bill White. Medina now edges White 41 to 38. Last month White had a 44 to 38 lead on her. While the Democratic Party establishment focuses onĀ  a career politician Farouk Shami has been gaining support among rank-and-file Democratic Primary voters across the state. It is time to end politics as usual. This poll is proof positive that the Texas Democratic establishment couldnt lead a silent prayer much less designate our partys standard bearer Farouk Shami said when he saw these results. All across Texas Democrats come up to me after I speak or when I am at events and tell me that Bill White isnt exciting our base or giving them any hope of winning in November or leading our ticket to victory to turn Texas blue Shami added. While career politicians like Bill White focus on their next political office Im focused on Texans and bringing jobs to this state he said. I may be an unconventional candidate but Texans are ready for some fresh ideas. Thats evident in how Debra Medinas numbers are improving. The establishment needs to listen up because Texas Democrats arent buying the goods they are selling anymore Shami said during a swing through the Rio Grande Valley today. This poll shows that Bill Whites brand of politics as usual just arent going to cut it in todays political climate We need real courage real leadership and a candidate thats out there listening to the voters not pandering to donors and reciting tired talking points. Thats the kind of campaign Farouk Shami is running. We look forward to a healthy debate on February 8 Vince Leibowitz Campaign Director added.
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