Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN Texas While Austin ISD trustees will decide whether to hold a November election asking voters for permission to raise the tax rate by up to 5 cents per $100 of assessed value to fund district operations Monday night the Austin Chamber of Commerce continues to ask trustees to adopt greater efficiencies and certainly not dig a deeper fiscal hole before considering a tax rate election.
The board will also vote on an additional tax increase of 2.5 cents per $100 of assessed value tax to cover district debt payments on previously approved bonds.
The 2.5-cent tax increase does not require voter approval according to district officials.
On Monday the Chamber will again ask trustees to dedicate themselves to cutting deeper in order to reallocate money to fund the programs that will result in the higher graduation college/career readiness and post-secondary enrollment rate goals outlined in the districts strategic plan.
All trustees would benefit from hearing your views on a potential tax rate election in particular Trustees Sam Guzman Annette Lovoi Tamala Barksdale Lori Moya and Robert Schneider. The Chamber would appreciate your advice and your willingness to contact Trustees in advance of Mondays vote.
Judging by the discussion at last nights school board meeting and discussions at past board meetings heres where the trustees seem to stand on a November tax rate election:
Standing firm against the five-cent tax increase: President Mark Williams Vice President Vincent Torres Cheryl Bradley and Christine BristerStrongly in favor of the five-cent tax increase: Tamara Barksdale and Sam GuzmanPreviously said they would support the five-cent tax increase: Secretary Lori Moya and Annette LoVoiPreviously said he would support the five-cent tax increase if the districts house is in order": Robert Schneider
Dr. Carstarphen has not taken a public position on the five-cent tax increase as of this writing.
Last night Sam Guzman said that he will propose the five-cent tax increase on Monday regardless of the superintendents position. If that motion fails he will propose that the district spend up to $22 million into fund balance to fund additional teacher salary increases beyond the small increase already included in the budget as well as other currently unfunded programs.
This motion if adopted would not represent fiscal stewardship could reduce Austin ISDs bond rating (which increases future borrowing costs) and will create an even deeper fiscal hole trustees will have to dig out of next year before even starting to fund key strategic plan priorities.
Gene Austin Chamber board member and CEO of software company Convio Inc. told trustees last night that the Chamber is enthusiastic about Austin ISDs positive direction and strongly supportive of the district accomplishing the goals of its strategic plan. Austin recommended that trustees work on further financial efficiencies before talking with voters about a higher tax rate. The Austin Austin Asian American and Capital City African American chambers have all asked the trustees to balance the FY11 budget and fund the strategic plan.
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Board Chair Pilar Sanchez and President/CEO Andy Martinez asked trustees to demonstrate further efficiencies before seeking a tax increase" and limit…use of the reserve fund" in a statement Sanchez gave last night. They also asked trustees to adhere to the strategic plan continue recent positive changes and aggressively pursue funding from external sources. (Read the full statement.)
Charlie Betts from the Downtown Austin Alliance also spoke in opposition to the five-cent tax rate increase last night.
In closing comments to last nights board meeting Austin ISD Board President Mark Williams cited business concerns among many others about supporting a tax rate election as a compelling reason to get Austin ISDs house in order before approaching voters about a tax increase.
Please contact
dscheberle@austinchamber.com with any questions or comments.
This information is forwarded to you by the TCRP Local Issues Committee Roger Borgelt Chairman