Published: 07-15-08
Conservative Bloggers will Gather for RightOnline across Town from Netroots Nation Michelle Malkin Robert Novak Barry Goldwater Jr. to Headline Event
AUSTIN – Online activists and high-profile bloggers from coast-to-coast will converge on Austin Texas for a Summit focused on taxes spending and strengthening the conservative online activist community. The grassroots free-market group Americans for Prosperity Foundation (AFPF) is leading up a coalition of groups to organize RightOnline which aims to establish a conservative counter-weight to the left’s web 2.0 community. RightOnline will be held in conjunction with the Texas Defending the American Dream Summit.
“RightOnline is the starting point for conservatives to grow an effective online community of activists” said AFPF Texas Director Peggy Venable. “To counter the big-government policies that are threatening the American Dream we must establish a cyber-city on a hill.”
RightOnline will take place at the same time – and just across town – from the gathering of liberal activists called Netroots Nation (formerly YearlyKos). Americans for Prosperity Foundation has partnered with the Sam Adams Alliance Heritage Foundation Leadership Institute Media Research Center and other leading conservative organizations to offer a powerful program including training seminars panel sessions and strong lineup of speakers. More information including an agenda is online at
“Americans for Prosperity Foundation is a grassroots leader on the national level and in 22 states around the nation. We have educated and organized tens of thousands of citizens with our grassroots training schools” said AFPF President Tim Phillips. “RightOnline will take that leadership to the online community. For years the left has built a superior online political infrastructure leaving conservatives at a severe disadvantage. Those who are tired of being left behind now have an opportunity for change.”
The Summit’s Friday agenda features new media training for novices as well as for experts with four tracks of workshops. The Saturday agenda offers more traditional issue education. The stellar line-up of speakers for both days includes Michelle Malkin Barry Goldwater Jr. former Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele’s Erick Erickson columnist Robert Novak the Wall Street Journal’s Steve Moore and John Fund and American for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist as well as Texas leaders.
An updated agenda may be found at Additional speakers and influential new media attendees will be announced soon.