Austin Tea Party

width=82On April 15 Tax Day some may need a reminder of just who is paying for all the government spending: its us the American taxpayer.  The tax burden has imposed hardships on all Texas families. Tea Parties might not be a real relief from this burden but showing concern where our tax dollars go will send a message to Washington that the people want the spending to stop. 2000 Texans Tell Washington: Dont Mess With Texas!" AUSTIN Texas Its tax day and thousands of citizens are fed up with the federal governments attempts to strong-arm Texas into expanding government programs and spending through the so-called stimulus funding.  More than 2000 citizens gathered at Austin City Hall on tax day to send a strongly-worded message to Washington D.C.: Dont Mess With Texas!" Texas stands as a beacon of fiscal responsibility.  Our economy is stronger than any other in the country and Texans are angry that D.C. is trying to tell us how to spend our own tax dollars" said Peggy Venable Americans for Prosperity State Director. We sent a clear message today that we dont need or want stimulus dollars that have federal strings attached." Venable praised Gov. Rick Perry who has taken a strong stand against the federal government overstepping its Constitutional boundaries. We are glad that Gov. Perry and many legislators are reinforcing states rights and sovereignty over the federal government" she said. We are also extremely grateful for our Texas leaders have Texas a beacon of fiscal responsibility in the country. Washington D.C. should take a page out of Texas playbook if they want to promote prosperity." At the Dont Mess With Texas" Tea Party at City Hall Gov. Perry told the crowd that with Washington eroding Americans rights spending their tax dollars and ruining their childrens hope for a future the time had come to tell D.C. enough!" We wont stand for our pockets being picked our childrens futures being mortgaged or our rights being taken away" Perry said. We will not be ignored! Cut spending cut taxes shrink the government re-read the Constitution. Do these things and our nation will remain strong." Railroad Commissioner Michael Williams also spoke at the rally telling attendees that when government forgets it has its power on loan from the people the time has come to call the note." I dont care if they call the plan a stimulus it still stinks to high heaven" Williams said. My message to Washington is this: There would be no tea party if you werent spending like its a bachelor party." The Dont Mess With Texas" Tea Party was part of a nationwide movement of protests against high tax burdens unrestrained spending and the federal stimulus and bailout packages. The rally was jointly organized by the Texas chapter of Americans for Prosperity ( and Texans for Fiscal Responsibility ( and other participating organizations listed on the AFP and TFR Web sites.   width=400    
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