By Robert Scott

Texas Education Agency Commissioner says: Make sure students graduate from high school ready for college or work.
In a matter of days more than 4.7 million children and 600000 educators and staff members will return to school.
The Texas public school system is a $40 billion a year enterprise and Texans can be assured that they are getting a good return on their investment. Our schools are strong and are they improving.
After several years in which dropout rates increased Texas has now turned a corner. The dropout rate is decreasing and the number of graduates is increasing. The class of 2008 had almost 10000 fewer dropouts than the class of 2007. Eighty-eight percent of the class of 2008 either graduated on time or continued in high school for a fifth year.
Theres no disputing the importance of a quality education and high school diploma; a person who holds a high school diploma will earn about $1.2 million over his or her lifetime substantially more than what will be earned by a high school dropout according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
We continue to pursue a key goal: making sure students graduate from our high schools ready for college or work. I am pleased to say we are seeing encouraging trends.
In the 2008-09 school year scores on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills went up for all grades and subjects as well as for all student groups.
More students are earning college credit before they graduate from high school through enrollment in dual credit classes Advanced Placement classes and early college high school programs. These students arent just accelerating their academic progress theyre also saving money on tuition costs.
Students pursuing these dual credits which earn both high school and college credits will also have the opportunity to take their classes online this fall through the Texas Virtual School Network. This innovative network will expand course offerings for students in regular classes as well as dual credit courses.
In another positive sign Texas has a growing number of students who are interested in going to college.
In 2008 137024 Texans took the SAT college admissions tests which is a 7.3 percent increase over the past five years. The number of students graduating from high school ready for college is steadily increasing and 42 percent of these students said they would be the first in their families to attend college.
Beginning this school year high school students following the college-preparatory Recommended High School Program will be able to customize their education more than ever before. The Legislature increased the number of elective courses students may take from 31/2 credits to six credits allowing students to follow their interests and talents which can ultimately help them identify a future career. Research shows that students who are interested in their classes are more likely to stay in school earn a diploma and go on to a postsecondary education. That incentive helps everyone.
Legislators also took a major step to expand adult education services providing $10 million in competitive grants to fund programs aimed at helping adults get jobs. Another $10 million was appropriated to increase participation in Adult Basic Education programs at community colleges and technical institutions.
Texas continues to hold schools accountable for performance and this tough love is getting results.
Last summer I made the tough choice to order the closure of Sam Houston High School in the Houston school district after it received poor accountability ratings for six straight years. The Houston district officials responded by rolling up their sleeves and working to transform this situation for students. Thanks to their hard work the school housed in the old Sam Houston building earned a Recognized rating the second-highest rating awarded by the state because of its strong student performance.
Through hard work and commitment we will continue to improve education for every student in Texas. I sincerely believe the 2009-10 school year will be the best one yet for the states most precious resources: our children.