WASHINGTON: Rep. Joe Barton (R-Arlington/Ennis) released the following statement upon hearing of the Senates vote to eliminate funding for the F-22. There are 1800 people at the Lockheed Martin plant in Ft. Worth who work on the Raptor.
The Senates decision to eliminate funding for the F-22 Raptor is disturbing on several fronts.
With unemployment numbers in the Metroplex rising and people struggling to survive this economic downturn eliminating thousands of good-paying jobs just doesnt make economic sense. The F-22 program employs an estimated 70000 Americans and has an economic impact of more than $12 billion with a good chunk of both in Ft. Worth.
It is baffling that the same Administration that is spending close to $800 billion stimulate the economy is determined to ground the F-22 and put thousands of people out of work.
More importantly this jet is one of the nations most capable fighters and eliminating it could leave us unable to adequately protect ourselves from potential threats.
Earlier this year I joined nearly 200 of my colleagues and sent a letter to the President in a bipartisan effort to save the F-22. I will continue to fight for the Raptor and the hard working people at Lockheed Martin and supporting companies in and around our area."