I want to update you on my fight against the Democrats care-rationing tax-raising job-killing health bill. I will also tell you about a visit I had with some Tea Party Patriots in D.C. to take part in a huge weekend protest. Plus if you are a high school student interested in going to one of our nations Military Academies or know someone who might be keep reading to find out how to apply.
Surreal Speech: Rep. Barton reacts to Presidential Health Care Address
Congressman Joe Barton (R-Ennis/Arlington) recorded his thoughts just moments after the speech concluded.
Click here to read more and watch his statement.
Obama Says No Deficits No Drain on Medicare No Abortions No Illegal Aliens … Oh really?
The President has either not read his own bill or he has apparently written a new bill that we havent seen yet because what he discussed on national television last week is not the bill we spent two weeks debating in the Energy & Commerce Committee.
Most of what the President said in general I can support. I can support his ideas of portability transferability and more accountability most Republicans and I can support that. But when you get in to the specifics of the legislation there are a lot of new bureaucracies new mandates new taxes I dont I wont support that.
To compare what the President said about health care reform to what is in the Democrats bill just
click here.
Democracy on display during August:
August proved that thousands of voices uniting as one are an effective communication tool. This past month democracy has been on display here in the 6th District and across the country as people packed town halls wrote letters and jammed phone lines to express their thoughts on the future of the

nations health care system. To read more just
click here.
Texas Tea Party Patriots join thousands for Taxpayer Protest in DC
Organizers expect close to half a million people to show up in the Nations Capitol Saturday for a protest designed to show disgust with the recent out-of-control government spending by the Democrat-run Congress and Obama Administration. And mixed into the massive crowd will be dozens of people form the 6th District.
Click here to read more and see pictures from the visit.
Calling on college students to get involved
My offices in Washington and Arlington are currently looking for interns. Its an exciting opportunity for college students looking to earn college credit while at the same time seeing how my office responds to constituents.
You will do more than just answer phones and file paperwork; however those are parts of the job. Interns also get to interact with constituents on a personal level and see how my staff helps people solve their problems.
We do have a few qualifications you have to meet if interested:
- You must be over 18 and currently enrolled in a college or university academic program.
- Internships are unpaid but we do encourage students to obtain college credit for their work.
- You need to provide a letter of interest a current resume an official college transcript showing at least a 3.5 grade point average and three letters of recommendation addressed to Congressman Joe Barton.
- Three writing samples are also required for the Washington internship.
Internships are available immediately in Arlington so if you have any other questions about the opportunities feel free to contact Jodi Saegesser at
Jodi.Saegesser@mail.house.gov or (817) 543-1000
My Washington Office is looking for interns for the Spring 2010 semester so if you need additional information about the application process feel free to contact Julieann Scarborough at
Julieann.Scarborough@mail.house.gov or (202) 225-2002.
Service Academy Nominations
Each year Members of the United States Congress are asked to nominate young men and women for one of the service academies which include the U.S. Air Force Academy U.S. Naval Academy and US Military Academy at West Point. The process helps ensure that a wide range of students from across the nation attend the academies.
I am permitted to nominate 10 outstanding individuals from my district for each academy. I take this honor and responsibility very seriously.
Without a doubt the service academies are among the finest schools in our great nation. Not only do they teach academics but they instill discipline commitment and leadership in the young Americans who attend. Because competition is very tough it is wise for interested students to apply for all academies in which they have a sincere interest.
It is also recommended that they utilize all application channels for which they are eligible. An individual may be nominated by more than one nominating authority and/or to more than one academy.
The nomination process for 2010 has already begun.
To take a closer look at the qualification applicants must meet just
click here. You can also call my Arlington office at (817) 543-1000 for more information.
Thank you for your interest in some of the things going on in Congress and the 6th District of Texas. I appreciate the opportunity to communicate with you and hear what you have to say. If you have an opinion to share please go to my website
www.joebarton.house.gov and click on the Send Joe an Email" icon its on the right side of the page.
I am also continuing my online outreach efforts so I invite you to follow my activities and share your thoughts with me. To get involved just click on the following links:
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