Barton Votes to Shield Americans from Computer Spyware

Published: 06-07-07

WASHINGTON- U.S. Rep. Joe Barton R-Ennis voted in favor of legislation today that seeks to protect the computers of Americans from being infected with spyware.  Known as the “Securely Protect Yourself Against Cyber Trespass Act” or “Spy Act” for short this legislation makes it illegal to use spyware to obtain the personal information of another individual.

“Internet spying is more than annoyance and more than an invasion of consumers’ privacy; it also poses the very real danger of identity theft” Barton said. 
“It will take a mix of technology consumer awareness industry best practices consumer education and strong enforcement of existing law as well as new law to fight spyware and I think this bill we passed today will effectively do so.”

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) defines spyware as software “that aids in gathering information about a person or organization without their knowledge and which may send such information to another entity without the consumer’s consent or asserts control over a computer without the consumer’s knowledge.”

Spyware is often downloaded onto a user’s computer without their even knowing it.  The next thing they know each keystroke they make is being logged the websites they visit are being tracked and their personal information (such as Social Security and bank account numbers) is being stolen.

Barton is a co-sponsor of the Spy Act which passed the House by a vote of 368-48.  The legislation would make it illegal for anyone other than the owner (or authorized user) of a computer to take control of that computer collect personally identifiable information through the use of keystroke logging deceive the user of the computer into disclosing personal information through a webpage and remove disable or render inoperative any security anti-spyware or anti-virus technology installed on a computer.

While this bill has passed the House in previous sessions of Congress the Senate has failed to take action.

“I remain committed to seeing anti-spyware legislation enacted into law” Barton said.  “The Senate must finally take action so we can get this to the President.”
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