Published: 06-27-07

Hutchison and Cornyn voted against “cloture” which would have essentially killed the bill. With the vote for “cloture” passing the bill will now advance through the amendment process and will be considered for final passage by the United States Senate. It will then be eligible for consideration by United States House of Representatives.
“Senators Hutchison and Cornyn should be applauded not only for their work to try to improve this bad legislation but also having the good judgment to try killing the bill when their efforts were ignored by liberals like Ted Kennedy and Harry Reid” said Tina Benkiser Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas.
The bill which includes among other things incremental amnesty for over 12 million illegal aliens in the United States and limited border security initiatives was opposed by 35 members of the United States Senate including nine Democrats and twenty five Republicans.
“If we are going to secure our borders from those who would do this country harm and fix a broken legal immigration system this bill was not the way to go about it” concluded Benkiser.
“If we are going to secure our borders from those who would do this country harm and fix a broken legal immigration system this bill was not the way to go about it” concluded Benkiser.