Strong CBO Report Positive Poll Numbers for the President Bad Polls for the Republicans and a Parade of Republican Leaders Coming Out for Reform Provides Significant Momentum for Reform and Puts the Party of No on Its Heels
...weve got to do something. I dont want the Republicans putting up a no sign and saying were not open for business. Former Republican Senate Majority Leader and Presidential Candidate Bob Dole October 7 2009. Marking continued progress and significant momentum towards reform the CBOs analysis of the Senate Finance Committee bill yesterday confirmed that the President is on-track to achieve his goals of reducing cost increasing competition and reforming this countrys broken health insurance system and opposition talking points on spending and the rising debt were dealt a severe blow with CBO estimates showing that the bill would reduce the deficit by $81 billion over the next 10 years.
Meanwhile the Presidents approval rating continues to rise and polls show that Americans are beginning to see the Party Of NOs overtly partisan effort to kill

health insurance reform for what it is - a new Quinnipiac poll finds a whopping 64 percent of the country disapproves of the obstructionist strategy employed by congressional Republicans.
While Democrats continue to move forward with land-mark legislation to curb sky-rocketing health insurance costs and end insurance discrimination the Republican strategy of Just Say NO is unraveling as a number of Republicans from outside the beltway have backed insurance reform.
The backing of these Republicans undermines the notion that opposition from congressional leaders was based conservative principles and proves that it is instead based on partisan politics.
But then again when you stand for nothing how can you really expect anyone even members of your own party to stand with you?
New York Times Health Care Bill Gets Green Light in Cost Analysis":
The Senate Finance Committee legislation to revamp the health care system would provide coverage to 29 million uninsured Americans but would still pare future federal deficits by slowing the growth of spending on medical care the nonpartisan

Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday. The much-anticipated cost analysis showed the bill meeting President Obamas main requirements including his demand that health legislation not add one dime to the deficit." Indeed the budget office said the bill would reduce deficits by a total of $81 billion in the decade starting next year. The report clears the way for the Finance Committee chairman Senator Max Baucus Democrat of Montana to push for a panel vote within the next few days and sets the stage for Democrats to take legislation to the floor for debate by the full Senate this month.
Washington Post Health-Care Bill Wouldnt Raise Deficit Report Says":
Congressional budget analysts gave an important political boost Wednesday to a Senate panels health-care overhaul projecting that the $829 billion measure would dramatically shrink the ranks of the uninsured and keep President Obamas pledge that doing so would not add one dime to federal budget deficits. With the report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office the measure crafted by the Senate Finance Committee has emerged as the only one of five bills by various panels that achieves every important goal Obama has set for his top domestic initiative. Snowe said Wednesday that she was relieved to see that the cost of expanding coverage remained below Obamas limit of $900 billion over the next decade.
Wall Street Journal New Math Boosts Health Plan":
The latest Senate health bill will cost $829 billion over a decade and slightly reduce the federal budget deficit congressional budget crunchers said Wednesday marking a major step forward for Democrats plans to overhaul American health care. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found the sweeping measure will cover 94 of nonelderly legal U.S. residents up from about 83 currently. The bill will cut the deficit by $81 billion over the 10-year period owing to trims in Medicare spending and new taxes. The widely awaited report paves the way for the Senate Finance Committee to approve its bill in the next few days. After appearing in peril in August the health-care overhaul has cleared a series of hurdles in recent weeks that have given Democrats increased confidence they will pass a bill. Lobbyists on both sides of the issue have shifted their focus to what the bill will look like rather than questioning whether a measure can succeed.
Politico Baucus scores big with CBO":
President Barack Obamas push for health care reform cleared a major hurdle Wednesday when congressional scorekeepers found that the Senate Finance Committees bill matches key parts of Obamas wish list cutting costs and

expanding coverage all without busting the budget. The Congressional Budget Office estimated the legislation would cost $829 billion over 10 years bringing it well within the presidents $900 billion target and clearing the way for a committee vote by the weekend. But the analysis was as good as the White House or Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) could have wanted. The Baucus bill came in under budget covers 94 percent of American citizens reduces the deficit by $81 billion after 10 years and continues to rack up savings in the second 10 years. The estimate removes a major hurdle toward a vote in the committee because senators in particular Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine who could be the only Republican senator to support the legislation said they needed to see the cost breakdown before taking up the bill.
Associated Press Budget experts say proposal would cover 94 percent of Americans":
Health care legislation drafted by a key Senate committee would expand coverage to 94 percent of all eligible Americans at a 10-year cost of $829 billion congressional budget experts said Wednesday a preliminary estimate likely to power the measure past a major hurdle within days. The Congressional Budget Office added that the measure would reduce federal deficits by $81 billion over a decade and probably lead to continued reductions in federal budget deficits in the years beyond. The report paves the way for the Senate Finance Committee to vote as early as Friday on the legislation which is largely in line with President Barack Obamas call for the most sweeping overhaul of the nations health care system in a half-century.
Politics Daily CBO: Health Care Reform Will Cut Deficit":
The Congressional Budget Office has released its much-awaited estimate on the cost of the health care reform bill drafted by the Senate Finance Committee. Doug Elmendorf the CBO director estimated the bill will cost $829 billion over 10 years and will expand insurance coverage to 94 percent of Americans. Most important for fiscal conservatives on the committee the measure is expected to reduce the overall federal budget deficit by $81 billion over the decade because reforms will cut the cost of health care overall.
Los Angeles Times Baucus healthcare bill would lower the deficit analysts say":
Senate Democrats pushing healthcare legislation received a boost Wednesday from congressional budget experts who estimated that a bill being debated by the Senate Finance Committee would substantially expand coverage and lower the federal deficit.
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office calculated that the legislation written by Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) would cost $829 billion by 2019. But because that

tab would be offset by spending cuts elsewhere and by new revenue the bill actually would lower the deficit by $81 billion over the next decade -- and potentially even more in later years -- the budget office concluded. At the same time the bill would expand the percentage of Americans with health insurance from 83 to 94 according to the estimate. The preliminary CBO report sets the stage for the finance panel to vote on Baucus healthcare blueprint later this week or next -- a key step in the Democratic campaign to send President Obama a healthcare overhaul bill by the end of the year. All of the Democratic Partys major healthcare bills would help more Americans get benefits by expanding Medicaid the joint federal-state insurance program for the poor and by creating highly regulated insurance marketplaces in which people could shop for insurance. Millions of those customers would qualify for government subsidies.
Wall Street Journal Quinnipiac: Most Americans Support Public Option":
Democrats received a boost in the health care debate on Capitol Hill Wednesday when budget crunchers said the Senate bill will cost $829 billion over 10 years and slightly reduce the budget deficit. And today Democrats can find some encouraging poll data in the latest Quinnipiac survey on national attitudes on the health care overhaul. Including a government-run insurance option the most controversial part of the debate is supported by a nearly two-to-one margin 61-34. The public option registers a majority level of support despite the fact that by 47-40 Americans said they oppose the presidents health care plan overall. Meanwhile Republicans registered their lowest approval ratings since President Barack Obama was elected: 64 of voters said they disapprove of the way congressional Republicans are doing their job including 42 of Republican voters. Voters also continue to trust the president over Republicans by a 47-31 margin when it comes to health care.
Bloomberg Voters Back Obama Over Republicans on Health Care Poll Finds":
Months of Republican attacks on President Barack Obamas health-care proposals appear to have hurt the party according to a Quinnipiac University poll. The survey found 64 percent of voters disapproving of the way Republicans in Congress are doing their jobs with 25 percent approving. Also 53 percent had an unfavorable opinion of the party in general while 25 percent rated it favorably. Asked who they trusted to do a better job on the health- care issue 47 percent said

Obama 31 percent said the Republicans. The presidents overall approval rating was 50 percent unchanged from a similar survey in late July and early August. The poll found voters support a government-run plan to compete with private insurers 61 percent to 34 percent. Obama backs creating such a program which has been the focus of much of the health-care debate in Congress. House and Senate Democrats are divided over the proposal known as the public option while most Republicans oppose it.
Bloomberg: Months Of Republicans Attacks On President Barack Obamas Health Care Proposals Appear To Have Hurt The Party."
Months of Republican attacks on President Barack Obamas health-care proposals appear to have hurt the party according to a Quinnipiac University poll. The survey found 64 percent of voters disapproving of the way Republicans in Congress are doing their jobs with 25 percent approving. Also 53 percent had an unfavorable opinion of the party in general while 25 percent rated it favorably." Bloomberg 10/8/09
USA Today: National Republican Support For Health Reform Causing A Policy-VS-Politics Rift Inside GOP."
Their names carry weight. They include former Senate majority leaders Bob Dole and Bill Frist a heart surgeon; Govs. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana a health policy expert; New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg now an independent; and Mark McClellan former administrator of Medicare and Medicaid from 2004-06. As former Republican congressman Mickey Edwards currently a lecturer on public affairs at Princeton puts it: The grown-ups are beginning to speak up. Their columns interviews and statements have created a policy-vs.-politics rift inside the GOP… The goal isnt to cripple a presidency. The goal is to take care of peoples problems getting health insurance Edwards says." USA Today 10/8/09
New York Times: Another National Republican Bob Dole Joins Growing List Of Republicans Calling For Reform.
Bob Dole the one-time Republican leader in the Senate and Tom Daschle the one-time Democratic leader issued a joint statement today in which they said they supported the Democrats attempt to overhaul the health-care system. The American people have waited decades and if this moment passes us by it may be decades more before there is another opportunity the two former leaders said in a joint statement." New York Times 10/7/09
… And Congressional Leaders Try Desperately But Fail To Stop Him.
Mr. Dole told reporters earlier in the day in Kansas that the current Republican leader in the Senate Mitch McConnell of Kentucky had asked him not to lend his

support to the Democratic effort. According to an account in The Kansas City Star Mr. Dole said that he had been approached by the Mr. McConnell and asked not to issue a statement calling for passage of a health-care reform bill. Were already hearing from some high-ranking Republicans that we shouldnt do that thats helping the president Mr. Dole said. He added that these included one very prominent Republican who happens to be the Republican leader of the Senate." New York Times 10/7/09
RedState: Conservative Blogs Start To Panic Over Worries That Senate Republicans Are Folding Over Health Care Reform."
I am told quite reliably that in a meeting today on Capitol Hill Republican Senators began to rapidly move toward concessions on health care because they are afraid they cannot hold their members. Some Republicans are now thinking of supporting a government program. Go to the action center and start calling. Already Senate Democrats are looking to pass healthcare by attaching it to unrelated legislation the back door Brian Darling has repeatedly warned us about. Republicans are starting to waver on this. Call now. Tell the GOP to stand firm in opposition to the Democrats health care plans." RedState 10/7/09
USA Today: Division Fizzes Up Within GOP Over Resistance To Health Plan."
The scene is familiar: Republicans criticizing Washingtons inaction on health care. Only now theyre blaming Republicans. Concerned that their party may prevent progress on one of the nations most intractable problems several governors and former Washington power brokers are calling on Republicans in Congress to help pass a health care bill." USA Today 10/8/09
Gov. Schwarzenegger: I Appreciate The Presidents Partnership With The States And Encourage Our Colleagues On Both Sides Of The Political Aisle At The National Level To Move Forward And Accomplish Health Reform."
Gov. Arnold Schwartzenegger said in a statement as Governor I have made significant efforts to advance health reform in California. As the Obama Administration was launching the current debate on health care reform I hosted a bipartisan forum in our state because I believe in the vital importance of this issue and that it should be addressed through bipartisan cooperation. Our principal goals slowing the growth in costs enhancing the quality of care delivered improving the lives of individuals and helping to ensure a strong economic recovery are the same goals that the president is trying to achieve. I appreciate his partnership with the states and encourage our colleagues on both sides of the political aisle at the national level to move forward and accomplish these vital goals for the American people." New York Times 10/6/09
ABC News: Bloomberg Wholeheartedly Adopts The Obama White House Definition Of Bipartisanship"
In His Support For Congressional Health Reform Plans. ABC News George Stephanopoulos reported on Mayor Bloombergs full-throated support of health reform: The health reform proposal that Congress will shortly consider is shaping up to merit broad bipartisan support said Mayor Bloomberg. The approach has great potential to reduce costs for families businesses and government at every level over the long term while extending coverage to many millions of the uninsured and investing in proven cost-effective public health strategies. This is an approach that Republicans Democrats and Independents can and should support he added. Most interestingly Bloomberg wholeheartedly adopts the Obama White House definition of bipartisanship." ABC News 10/5/09
Mayor Bloomberg Statement: This Is An Approach That Republicans Democrats And Independents Can And Should Support."
In a statement Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the health reform proposal that Congress will shortly consider is shaping up to merit broad bipartisan support incorporating Republican ideas and earning deserved support from Republican leaders such as former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist. The approach has great potential to reduce costs for families businesses and government at every level over the long term while extending coverage to many millions of the uninsured and investing in proven cost-effective public health strategies. This is an approach that Republicans Democrats and Independents can and should support." Politico 10/5/09
Sen. Frist: I Would End Up Voting For It…As Leader I Would Take Heat For It…Thats What Leadership Is All About."
Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist told Time magazine that were he still in the Senate I would end up voting for it he said. As leader I would take heat for it. ... Thats what leadership is all about." Time 10/2/09
Former Bush HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson: Failure To Reach An Agreement On Health Reform This Year Is Not An Acceptable Option."
Tommy Thompson & Dick Gephardt said in a joint statement: Failure to reach an agreement on health reform this year is not an acceptable option. Inaction will only increase the burden of rapidly rising health care costs and care denied for millions of American families. Inaction will increase the crushing burden of rising health costs on American businesses that are struggling to create jobs and lead Americas economic recovery. It is time for action." Politico Live Pulse 10/5/09
Chamber Of Commerce: The Reality With The Business Community Is That We Want Reform While Some Republicans Want To Stop This Train And Start Over…That Is Just Not Going To Happen."
The Wall Street Journal reported on the Chamber Of Commerces relatively positive reaction to Chairman Baucus health reform proposal: The reality with the business community is that we want reform while some Republicans want to stop this train and start over said Bruce Josten the chambers chief lobbyist. That is just not going to happen." Wall Street Journal 9/25/09