Published: 11-06-07

“District 93 needs leadership that will fight for border security fiscal restraint private property rights and education reform” said Burch. “I am an optimistic conservative who believes our best days are in front of us as a state and a nation if we invest in jobs schools and limited government.”
Tarrant County Sheriff Dee Anderson an Arlington resident said “Bill Burch will return strong leadership to District 93. With his experience as a former member of the United States Army Security Agency Bill brings a wealth of knowledge to the Texas House of Representatives at a time when it’s needed most to help secure our borders and reduce the threat of terrorism.”
Noting that District 93 contains the new Dallas Cowboys Stadium the Texas Rangers Stadium Six Flags over Texas Hurricane Harbor Mansfield Industrial District – and is next to or near D/FW Airport major defense contractors and military installations -- Anderson said “We need leadership that understands our areas many law enforcement and security priorities. Bill Burch is such a leader.”
Grand Prairie political activist Thania Barazal endorsed Burch saying “Electing Bill Burch means we will have a representative in Austin who will be there one-hundred percent of the time. District 93 deserves full-time representation fighting for lower taxes and less spending.”
Mansfield City Councilman and Chairman of Bill’s Finance Committee Darryl Haynes said “This is the most excitement I’ve ever seen for a candidate for any office in a long time. Our Finance Committee is currently made up of 34 members of the business community and we have over 250 volunteers who feel it’s important to send a representative to Austin who will represent our free enterprise conservative views rather than a narrow big government liberal.”
Bill Burch is a residential real estate investor in Tarrant and Dallas Counties and currently serves on the Board of Directors for the State Bar of Texas – a position to which he was appointed by the Texas Supreme Court. Bill’s background encompasses the real estate construction telecommunications oil and publishing industries. Bill and his wife Jane have been politically active for almost thirty years and moved to Arlington in 1986.
Please direct questions in regards to this news release to Suzanne Bellsnyder 512-804-1106. Website address is