Candidate promises vigorous debate about ideas.
Published: 11-04-07
Published: 11-04-07

“I am honored to have strong grassroots support for my campaign to restore District 93 to common sense conservative leadership” said Burch. “I look forward to a vigorous debate about ideas with the liberal incumbent and how we can enhance border security protect and create jobs and stop runaway appraisals.”
Burch was among the first candidates to file today at the Republican Party Headquarters in Tarrant County according to Chairman Stephanie Klick. Burch begins the campaign with 250 grassroots volunteers who are ready to spread his message of “common sense conservatism based on limited government and unlimited opportunity.”
“Over the next eleven months I will offer voters a positive constructive agenda that appeals to our highest hopes for the future” said Burch. “Even with a part-time legislature we need a full-time legislator. I will work tirelessly to earn the trust of Tarrant County voters.”
Bill and his wife Jane have been politically active for almost thirty years. Bill was appointed by the Texas Supreme Court last year to serve as a Public Director on the Board of Directors of the State Bar of Texas. Bill is a residential real estate investor in Tarrant and Dallas Counties. Bill is a businessman and his experience includes work in real estate construction telecommunications oil and publishing industries.
Questions about the Bill Burch Campaign should be directed to 817-265-4476